Joel Osteen

by jw 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jw
  • jw


    Well, there are none so deaf as those who will not listen!!

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia


    As I parents went to one of his sermons/concerts/money making events in person.

    Yes I know things are free on his website...Gee his show is even free on TV if you have cable.

    Big Whoop.


  • fullofdoubtnow


    Well, there are none so deaf as those who will not listen!!

    I do listen jw, more than ever now. I just listen in a differrent way, that's all. I listen to things that make sense to me, things that I might benefit from hearing. I no longer listen to some zealot, religious or otherwise, who tries to tell me what's best for me, and just happens to slip in a line about how much it costs to bring this "message" to me, and how much my donation would be appreciated. I listened to stuff like that from the age of 21 to 46, and I have heard enough of it, so thankyou for your concern, but don't waste it on me. Linda

  • jw

    It's Time for an Attitude Adjustment

    Today's Scripture

    "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

    Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

    Many people ask us, "Why am I not receiving God's best? My boss is mean, my house is old, and my spouse doesn't treat me right. It doesn't seem like my prayers are ever answered!" When people ask us that, we usually encourage them to look at what they just said. Perhaps the answer lies in your attitude.

    Have you ever considered that maybe the Lord is waiting for you to be thankful for what you have before He will bless you with more?

    The Word instructs us to pray with thanksgiving in every circumstance. Develop an "attitude of gratitude" and see what God will begin to do. He will take you places you've never dreamed of and you'll live the abundant life that He has in store for you.

    A Prayer for Today

    Thank you, God, for the blessings you have given me. I can sit here and think of so many ways you have enriched my life. Always give me an "attitude of gratitude." In Jesus' name – Amen.

  • integ


    I think Joel Osteen has some good stuff to offer. If I start to hear the spiel about how you have to donate money to The Joel Osteen Ministries in order to be happy and get closer to God than he will lose me, but if he merely asks for money in order to keep his show on the air or something like that than that's okay cuz the money has to come from somewhere I guess. The problem I have is when they equate giving to him as the key to happiness, then these guys turn into shysters in my book.

    I've heard him speak on TV and I thought he offered some good stuff.

    I wonder why all these 'Christian' preachers always have to have the obligatory southern accent? I'm thinking of starting a southern accent myself just for the heck of it.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    It's Time for an Attitude Adjust I have already undergone a major attitude adjustment jw, when I disassociated from the wts last November. I see little need for any other major adjustment, or even that many minor ones.

    Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

    Many people ask us, "Why am I not receiving God's best? My boss is mean, my house is old, and my spouse doesn't treat me right. It doesn't seem like my prayers are ever answered!" When people ask us that, we usually encourage them to look at what they just said. Perhaps the answer lies in your attitude. Well, I don't pray, nor do I have any real belief in God any more. I am not an atheist, but would certainly say I am an agnostic with atheist leanings. I live with my boyfriend, another ex witness who posts occasionally on here, and he treats me very well, better than anyone else has done in many years, because he loves me unconditionally and has my best interests at heart, unlike most jehovahs witnesses, who display conditional love and have mainly self - interest at heart.

    Have you ever considered that maybe the Lord is waiting for you to be thankful for what you have before He will bless you with more?

    No, not recently, and probably not in the future either.

  • Confession

    LOL @ integ!

    I wonder why all these 'Christian' preachers always have to have the obligatory southern accent? I'm thinking of starting a southern accent myself just for the heck of it.

    I've often wondered the same thing. I remember noticing this just about anytime I'd find a born-again sort at the door when I was a JW. As they'd start talking about "thuh Lohrrrd," their speech would take on a decidedly southern accent.

    But we lived in Michigan!

    I think so many well-known preachers are from the south, and many pastors around the country were schooled in the south, that people just seem to absorb the accent--but only when they start to discuss "the Lohrrd Jeezus Chrahst."

    No disrespect intended; my mother and her family all speak with such an accent. Just an interesting thing when people utilize it when speaking of religious matters--even when not from the south.

  • lonelysheep


    "the Lohrrd Jeezus Chrahst."

    The language of God-Speak to signify how spiritual a person is.

    As for the Osteen Ministries....why replace the WT's men with someone else??

  • jw

    Today's Scripture

    "The Lord will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on Him." (Isaiah 26:3)

    Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

    Your thoughts determine your destiny. You can't make a decision, or take a step, without first thinking about it—and it changes the course of your life. That's why it's so important to keep your thoughts on God's Word, and seek His plan for your life. You can't think negative thoughts and expect a positive outcome. Proverbs 23:7 says: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." If you constantly dwell on God's Word that says, "You are an overcomer," and "You can do all things through Christ," then soon, you will become what the scripture says and your life will be on God's path to victory.

    Then next time the enemy brings negative thoughts to you, use it as an opportunity to give praise to the Lord! God is faithful to His Word and He will always be faithful to you. As you continue to seek Him, He will complete the work He's begun in your life. As you keep your thoughts on God, you will discover the champion in you!

    A Prayer for Today

    God, turn my thoughts to You today. When a negative thought takes root, give me the strength to rip it out and instead focus on the blessings in my life. Thank you for Your promises and the perfect peace I can expect when I follow Your way. In Jesus' name – Amen.


    "I will restore the years that the locust has eaten and I will bring you out with plenty and you shall be satisfied." (Joel 2:25)

    Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

    God wants you to live a satisfied life. He has promised to restore all the things that the enemy has stolen. However, just because God gives us this great promise, doesn't mean it will automatically come to pass. We've got to do our part, and develop a restoration mentality. We must expect things to change in our favor. We must be strong-willed and determined, and do everything we can to recover what the enemy has stolen from us. Remember, obstacles are simply opportunities for advancement. If you'll do your part to have a restoration mentality, God will take every obstacle that comes into your life and turn it into a stepping-stone that will take you to a place of higher honor and greater blessing.

    A Prayer for Today

    God, help me develop an attitude of hopeful expectancy. I know that You only want the best for me and that sometimes means learning to be strong even through hard times. Regardless of my circumstances, please remind me to be patient and to wait for you to reveal the perfect plan you have for my life. I want to have a "restoration mentality!" In Jesus' name - Amen.


    Exercise your faith!

    Today's Scripture

    "But just as you excel in everything-in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us-see that you also excel in this grace of giving." (2 Corinthians 8:7).

    Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

    As a born-again believer, you have unlimited potential. Because of Christ in you, you can walk in unlimited faith, knowledge, love, and victory. The Bible encourages you to excel and grow in these areas and as you do, you will begin to experience that overcoming life of victory that God has in store for you. How do you excel in these areas? Just as a muscle grows when you exercise it, your faith grows when you exercise it-your love grows when you exercise it, and the grace to give grows when you exercise it.

    A Prayer for Today

    God, I want to grow strong in my faith! Please help me to exercise my faith daily by reading my Bible, praying, and staying in fellowship with other Christians. Help me to reach my full potential, God, by living, loving, and giving the way You intended. In Jesus' name - Amen.

    edited to remove white-space ~ Scully

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