"Hemophiliacs are like vampires!"

by rebel8 34 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • rebel8

    As I have talked about before, I have a serious bleeding disorder, not hemophilia though. Back in the dark ages of the '70s, the medical term used was "pseudo-hemophilia".

    Because I did not get appropriate medical care (thanks to the WTS), I spent many hours during meetings sitting in the smelly ladies room at the KH trying to control my nosebleeds. Hours! If it went on long enough, I'd get called to talk to the elders who would give me the usual harassment. This is why I got seemingly more than my share of lectures--telling me to get the bleed stopped, pray harder, a plethora of stoooooopid granola hippie suggestions, I "better not put my mother through having to take me to the hospital", "Jehovah will bless you if you have a clean heart," etc. That is probably when I began to hate several ppl in my KH because they were so annoying and cold-hearted. #$%^ Prevent me from getting appropriate medical care and then blame me because my condition is out of control.

    Anyway........I just remembered something sad/hilarious that a dub said to me, based upon her vast study of Greek/Latin/etc. at the Awake University. It went something like this:

    "You know, hemophiliacs are like vampires. The root of the word 'heme' means 'blood' and 'phila' as we know from our studies means 'like'. So a hemophiliac is a person who likes blood. And they take blood transfusions, which is feeding on blood. Vampires like blood too, and they are demonized."

    A wonderful thing to tell a child--they like blood, are like a vampire, and are demonized. AS IF I was at fault for having this medical problem or for not controlling it. PLUS you have to wonder about parents who don't stick up for their children when they're being mistreated. I'm sorry but I feel this it is verbal abuse to tell a child they are possessed, are like "damaged goods" for getting a transfusion, etc.

    Just thought I'd share this little glimpse into the dark side of being a JW........for those who don't believe there is much of a dark side. I hate certain ppl for what they did as individuals, but I hate the org that brainwashed/enabled them to behave that way. "love amongst themselves"?????

  • Angharad

    Unbelievable that people say things like that to kids !

    BTW: Is it Von Willibrands? I have that and it runs through my family, my sister's little girl has is very badly and gets severe nose bleeds, she has been in hospital many times because of it which is always a worry because of the blood issue.

  • Rabbit
    You know, hemophiliacs are like vampires. The root of the word 'heme' means 'blood' and 'phila' as we know from our studies means 'like'. So a hemophiliac is a person who likes blood. And they take blood transfusions, which is feeding on blood. Vampires like blood too, and they are demonized."

    Yeah, well they ARE, ya' know. Damn leeches. My Bible tells me so.

    And people (like me) who have epilepsy are demonized (or maybe witches/warlocks), too. My Bible tells me so.

    And people who look at nekkid peoples. My Bible tells me so.

    And Smurfs...and...and...Harry Potter. My Bible tells me so.

    My Bible tells me so.

    Well, Jehovah told the GB & they told the WTB&TS and they told the DO's, CO's & PO's -- and they told us !

    Cwazy, Demonized, Nekkid Peoples lookin' Wabbit

  • greendawn

    That's a great post a classic example of why the JWs are justifiably known as a people without heart and without compassion despite their smiles and sweet manners when they are out talking to people.

    There are many similar examples about god's loving organisation.

  • jw

    I would have recomended vitamina made from fish oil.

    And it works to stop internal bleeding.

  • nsrn

    Excuse me, jw, but you would recommend fish oil???? That is exactly the kind of non-educated, non-medical advice that witnesses give. I am pretty certain you are not a hematologist, and you do not know what clotting factor this particular type of coagulopathy involves. This poster is not asking for pseudo-medical advice, but is recalling a painful part of her childhood.

    Rebel8, I so wish you had not been told such things as child! I hope you are well managed now. I can remember some folks from our hall who were capable of saying things like that.

    I'd get called to talk to the elders who would give me the usual harassment. This is why I got seemingly more than my share of lectures--telling me to get the bleed stopped, pray harder, a plethora of stoooooopid granola hippie suggestions, I "better not put my mother through having to take me to the hospital", "Jehovah will bless you if you have a clean heart," etc. That is probably when I began to hate several ppl in my KH because they were so annoying and cold-hearted. #$%^ Prevent me from getting appropriate medical care and then blame me because my condition is out of control.

    ((((((((hugs, rebel))))))))

    I am so sorry to hear of your experience.((()))

    Here's another one. It happened to me:

    "Elders and members told me with such sincerity,

    “Anyone looking behind the plow is not well suited for the kingdom of God." ---Luke 9:61-63.

    They were certainly well-intentioned, quoting scriptures to encourage me. Apparently I was not supposed to be remembering those images of abuse as they came flooding in on me. These friends thought I was obsessed thinking about childhood issues. I was wasting my time when I could be out preaching the word and gaining converts.

    What was I thinking?" -- Quoted from manuscript Phoenix of Faith

    *** Keep writing about your experiences, rebel. It is a very healing journey.



  • kgfreeperson

    Perhaps jw's suggestion is what was meant by:

    "This is why I got seemingly more than my share of lectures--telling me to get the bleed stopped, pray harder, a plethora of stoooooopid granola hippie suggestions,"

  • Scully


    I would have recomended vitamina made from fish oil.

    And it works to stop internal bleeding.

    Where did you get your medical degree? or medical licence? From a box of Cornflakes or Froot Loops?

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>The root of the word 'heme' means 'blood' and 'phila' as we know from our studies means 'like'. So a hemophiliac is a person who likes blood. And they take blood transfusions, which is feeding on blood. Vampires like blood too, and they are demonized

    And of course those awful "diabetics", well, you know about them, I'm sure. "Dia" -- greek for "through" -- combined with "bet" -- to gamble, clearly a violation of Jehovah's commands against greed -- tell us that those with diabetes got that way "through betting". Filthy, stinkin' Vegas gamblers, the lot of 'em.


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