by jw 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jw
    Now, is this saying hate the dead or hate the person?

    This is David speaking to god on how he is feeling and asking God to help him to not feel that way.

  • diamondblue1974
    But don't hate all JW's, that is just wrong .

    You preach that you have found truth, if that were the case then where is your love for all humans

    I dont think the vast majority of us here hate JWs; the main consensus hate the WTS for it spiritual abuse throughout our lives but its no justification for hating all JWs; after all most of them are victims just like us.

    Also too, you suggest that we lack love for all humans....why do you suggest this? In my view the people on this board have an increased sense of humanity contrasted from that found in the WTS!

    Why do you suggest any different?


  • jw

    Also too, you suggest that we lack love for all humans....why do you suggest this? In my view the people on this board have an increased sense of humanity contrasted from that found in the WTS!

    Why do you suggest any different?


  • ballistic

    The hour is late, and here we are posting about hate, or at least trying to deflate, someone's attempts to berate, but for a reply I'm not gonna wait, it's time for me to join my mate, for sleepyland is my looming fate....

    Where is the love, where is the love...

    Black Eyed Peas

  • BluesBrother

    It is a respectable 10.38 am now in the UK.

    Hate ?? no. not any more . When I was a dub I was taught to despise homosexuals, apostates , Catholic priests - in fact anyone that taught a different belief or lifestyle . We did not use the word hate , because as jw says the teaching is to hate the action, not the person. But I believe that they pay lip service to that ideal rather than actively feeling agape love and fellow feeling for these individuals. I sadly recall the triumphalism of some (not all) witnesses when AIDs was confined to the homosexual community in the '80's

    But what about us? Sure we have all sorts on here . There are many posts that I disagree with. But most have contacts and family within the Borg. We know they are good people ,duped by the collective thinking of the movement that they adhere to. Even those at the top were not slated by Raymond Franz. He acknowledged that witnesses are "Victims of victims"

    Where do "We", as if we spoke with one voice, claim to found the truth?... As Monty Pythons "Life of Brian" said, "I am not the messiah, you will have to work it out for yourselves"

  • diamondblue1974
    I dont think the vast majority of us here hate JW

    To quote myself!


    First of all there is no need to shout or use capitals; we can all read! Secondly there might be some that dislike JWs but we shouldnt all be tarred with the same brush. I stand by my statement that on this board I have found more humanity shown to others than in any Kingdom Hall I have ever been to. Naturally there might be some exceptions but your sweeping statement didnt cut it in my view.


  • seattleniceguy


    Based on your opening post, I'd say you have misunderstood me on three counts:

    If you have a need to hate the WTS then so be it.

    I believe that the WTS is a harmful organization, but I don't hate much of anything.

    But don't hate all JW's, that is just wrong.

    I don't hate all JW's. I have to admit that I sometimes make fun of their uniformly wacky ways, and I sometimes get frustrated that my family doesn't snap out of their delusion sooner. But that's not hate. Those are just normal human reactions. You can easily put yourself in my position if you imagine how you would feel as an ex-Mormon whose family stays in and treats you weirdly because you left.

    You preach that you have found truth, if that were the case then where is your love for all humans?

    I don't know where you're getting this. Very few ex-JWs preach that they have "found the truth," having been burned once by this concept. I seriously doubt that there is such a thing as religious truth (that is to say, I believe all religions are based on fantasy). The truth of the matter regarding the Witnesses is that they are wrong about almost everything.

    My love for humans is much brighter and warmer than when I was a Witness. I now have the freedom to actually be open and sincere with others. I don't have to treat every person I see as fresh meat to convert to my mindset. I can respect people with different views. I can be a friendly, involved neighbor and a good citizen. I can go even crazy and donate to charities.

    Hope that helps you in your efforts to understand people here.


  • anewme

    You will find me absent from any discussion headed by this person until he or she shows more respect for the collective knowlege and experience of the good people of JWD.

    I suggest we give him the silent and peaceful sound of *crickets* after his postings.


  • Leolaia
    This is David speaking to god on how he is feeling and asking God to help him to not feel that way.

    You make it sound like how David was feeling was wrong, and that with God's help he should not feel that way. If that is the case, read again (for the third time) the quote I gave you from the Watchtower.

    *** w92 7/15 p. 12 Christ Hated Lawlessness—Do You? ***

    Our attitude toward apostates should be that of David...

    Sounds like you're not in agreement with Watchtower. They say you should imitate David's example. In other words, you should fill your heart with hate. Since you obviously disagree with the Watchtower on this subject, what explanation do you have for the un-Christian attitude shown by them? Should they not, in your words, ask God to help them not feel this way? I would heartily agree with you that they should. Many people who have been branded "apostates" by the Society have been treated in a most unloving manner.

  • helppls

    "If you have a need to hate the WTS then so be it.

    But don't hate all JW's, that is just wrong .

    You preach that you have found truth, if that were the case then where is your love for all humans?"


    I don't hate all JWs. My husband is one, and I love him to death! And we have JW friends who are truly good, though misled, people!

    But I sure don't understand you, jw!

    You tell everyone on this board, in your most self-righteous tone, that they "lack faith". You said you wanted an intelligent discussion of religious doctrines but seem to have abandoned the thread which Auld Soul created for you two to have a respectful and objective discussion of doctrinal issues. What you've been doing so far is creating your own threads which (to me) are intended to arouse the very same emotion your post seem to imply you don't like. You are either a great manipulator, gloating in the success you seem to be getting in raising people's blood pressure OR you are a mindless fool who doesn't have a clue as to what you are doing. Either way, this will be my last post addressed to you.

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