The best successfull Jw's lobbyist you've ever known

by chasson 56 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Atlantis


    Thank you chasson! None of my cut and pastes seem to be working, as I have several links on this person. Even the home page. Maybe I can get at least one link on here for you. Alain Garay advocat home page

    Cheers! Thank you Sir!

  • LDH

    One of the best threads I've ever seen on this or any other forum.


  • Leolaia
  • Atlantis

    Thank you Leolaia! Wonderful job as usual!


  • Atlantis


    Thank you dear lady! Your comments are just as beautiful as your picture!


  • chasson

    I can add something that could be classified as coincidential, or perhaps not.

    As you can see, Garay has started to infiltrate the medical community, by starting one medical association in Costa-Rica (San-Jose), which has created later an latino-american association, which has created more later an latino-iberico-american association

    I am sure that you have looked to the website

    Who has created this site ? Larry Eitel.

    Who is Larry Eitel and where he live ?

    In LaJolla:

    LaJolla is in Costa-Rica at 8 kilometer of San Jose. It is surprising that all the Jw offensive concerning the blood issue are from here...

    You have seen Jan B. Wade in the first link as founder of, with no surprise he is at the foundation of SABM, this particular organisation that desserve an award to the Watchtower, award that Watchtower with this habit of great humility has advertise all over the world.



  • LDH

    The OCSE article is clearly out of place in the Watchtower.

    The article says NOTHING of merit. The question asks " Will it succeed" but the article does not answer that question. It does say that "true peace and security" will come about at God's hand.

    So what is the purpose of the article and it's appearance? To "Advertise, advertise, advertise" the OCSE and its kingdom as per a lobbyist agreement.

    This is more UN-NGO stuff.

    Love it.


  • Atlantis

    Here is another Watchtower article mentioning the OSCE. OSCE can also be found in the Index.

    [Watchtower 2003 April 1st pp. 12-13] On September 18, 2001, the judge pronounced Margaryan “not guilty,” stating that there “was no element of crime” in his activity. A telling report on the case appeared in the Associated Press. It read: “A leader of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Armenia was acquitted today on charges of proselytizing and of forcing young people to evade military service. After a two-month trial, the Court said there was insufficient evidence against the leader, Levon Markarian [Lyova Margaryan]. He had faced up to five years in prison. . . . Though Armenia’s Constitution provides for freedom of religion, it is difficult for new groups to register and the rules favor the dominant Armenian Apostolic Church.” In its press release of September 18, 2001, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) stated: “Although welcoming the verdict, the OSCE Office continues to regret that the prosecution was launched in the first place.”

  • chasson

    Randy: "I urge to you representatives of governments to give your support to ODIHR" (citation of OSCE conference)

    In fact, Garay is in the panel expert of the comission on religious liberty of ODIHR in OSCE. The world is too small !!!



  • chasson

    Now if you want we can talk of sociologist and Cesnur.

    We will see that it is a small world too.

    We have a french's sociologist called Regis Dericquebourg, specialised in the study of the JW's movement.

    He is accused of being to sympathetic to cult as scientology, or JW.

    Here is the Curiculum Vitae of Dericquebourg, you can find that:

    "Organisation de la journée d’étude des jeunes chercheurs français sur le
    Jéhovisme : Exposés de Arnaud Blanchard (Ecole normale de Cachan), Philippe
    Barbey (doctorant EPHE), Vincent Primault (doctorant EPHE) avec Alain Garay
    (juriste) et Régis Dericquebourg (psychosociologue), organisée à l’Iresco le 6
    décembre 2001, Jean-Paul Willaime, directeur du Groupe de Sociologie des
    Religions et de la Laïcité."

    This is the french's reunion of specialist in the study of JW in December 2001. You have seen that Garay has made a speech and Dericquebourg a pro-cultist too, but now, i would like to introduce you Philippe Barbey.

    A men, who has written a book regarding JW, called 'The Jehovah's witnesses, for an original christianism"... In this book, you will not find a line of criticism against JW, very surprising isn't it.

    Arnaud Blanchard, cited in the reunion, has made a review of his book, in polite manner, he said that the work of Barbey is nothing more than a b... of sh....

    "Le livre apporte peu
    d’éléments nouveaux sur le mouvement de la
    Tour de Garde et souffre d’insuffisances de
    style notables, telle la surabondance de citations
    non référencées. En outre, la démarche
    globale du document est ambiguë dans la
    mesure où – à défaut d’avoir construit sociologiquement
    son objet – l’auteur ne manifeste pas
    de distance critique à l’égard des croyances et
    des argumentaires énoncés par le groupe étudié.
    À de multiples reprises, il reproduit et avalise
    sans examen les propositions (théologiques en
    particulier) des Témoins de Jéhovah de telle
    manière que l’analyse est éclipsée par le travail
    de persuasion."

    To make simple, he said that Barbey made a work of proselytism, that Barbey has no distance with the subject, in clear, Barbey is a JW.

    Another time, why it is dangerous ? You can find this book in some public library as reference work. The reader will not know that Barbey is a JW, and that his colleague have found that his work is stupid.



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