Website with map to locate sex offenders in your area

by misanthropic 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • delilah

    I remember a few years ago, the police went knocking on doors in my neighbourhood, to warn us that a pedophile had just moved in. I'm so glad they did, too, as my kids walked right past his door. I drove them to school from then on.

  • misanthropic

    ::Isn't there anything like that for people in Canada or other countries?? I don't know for sure but i have been looking online to see if I can find one. This one was sent to me by my dad.
    Delilah- That is very cool they did that at least, I think that they should ALWAYS have to let you know when someone like that moves in the neighborhood.

  • jw

    Please don't use the sex offender sites as truth of the crime. I know lots of people who are innocent that are on those sites due to false alegations.

  • Broken Hearted
    Broken Hearted

    Let me start off saying this about this site, While it does list sexual offenders in some states in other does not list them all. Then next thing I would like to say not everyone for example in Florida and Texas are really sexual offenders in the way they want us to believe. read my post and views on this, I am just as concerned for my children as the next and this world is crazy but we also have to be careful not to ruin someone elses life in the process of protecting.

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