I am hurt, my wife had a miscarriage and still my family didn't contact me

by jwfacts 59 Replies latest jw experiences


    So sorry for your loss...and for your family's treatment!


  • TooOpinionated

    I'm so sorry for your loss, and your terrible treatment.

    I had my kids very late, so I am wondering how my children will percieve me, too. It is a bit strange to go to my son's school and see all these young mothers. Our difference in generations also colors how we raise our children compared to the younger one, so that is quite interesting. Overall, I wouldn't worry about it. To give your wife hope, I had my youngest at 41, and she is 3 now.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I'm also sorry about how your family is treating you. I would probably have done the same thing a few years ago thinking that it was the loving thing to do.

    What I want to say now is how awesome it is to hear the comments of so many of the posters on this board. They express their feelings so much better than I ever could. I truly believe that they have bigger hearts than most of my former friends ever had.

  • Worldly

    I am terribly sorry to hear of your loss, and of how your family is treating you. As a non-JW being shunned by a JW who I had considered a close friend, I understand and feel your suffering. Shunning is a terrible, hurtful practice towards anyone, let alone flesh and blood. My advice is to seek out the people who truly care for you and are able to care for you, and to spend as much time in their company as you can. Also, seek counselling from someone outside the organization, who is qualified to help you. And remember that your family is still under the mind control--they are truly the lost souls.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Very, very sorry for your loss. And the ill treatment you are receiving. Hopefully soon you and your wife will be ready to try again. Sounds like you have a lot of love to give a beautiful baby.

  • stillAwitness

    So sorry to hear about your lost jwfacts. I remember being so happy for you when you announced your wife being pregnant. Its a shame that your family is treating you this way. You have my condolenscences.

  • hubert

    So sorry to hear about your loss. That is so heartbreaking. We had a neighbor who lost one a few years ago, also. She now has 4 kids, so don't despair, you will most probably still have children later. There is still plenty of time. Although, I know it won't take away from the pain you feel now.

    As for your family, I can't imagine anyone being so cruel. I hope they all wake up some day.

    God bless you and the mrs.

    Hubert and wife.

  • bigmouth

    I am so sad for you both. Nothing will replace THIS baby. This baby is unique and precious. Thinking of having other children is probably not even an issue right now.

    Men, in my opinion, need equal care after this kind of loss.So much is out of your practical control that you just ache not being able to 'protect' your wife.

    I can't believe the callousness of these animals!

    So sorry again

    Pete and Jennine

  • deeskis

    Sorry you're hurting ((((Paul)))). I remember you said your mother told you that she would not shun you, has your wife told them how you are feeling? Maybe they feel that in speaking to her, they are actually speaking to you as well, not realising how they are hurting you.

    Then again I do believe that when the witnesses shun, many actually believe it is out of love. That this tough love approach will bring their loved one to their senses. I know when my parents shunned me and my sisters for a couple of years they were hurting too, but felt that they had to do it

    stay strong, and know that you are not alone in how you are feeling. Best wishes to you and your wife.


  • Fleur

    I've walked in those shoes...I'm so sorry about your loss.



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