What Things Did You Think Were "Demonized"?

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chimene

    I took away my daughters dream catchers she had hanging on the wall that her father brought her from the mountains, I feel bad about it now. I was told they had to do with witch craft, and they were evil

  • lowden

    That's a gooooood, bright question Minimus. Wow, at one time i was soooo paranoid! It really is quite stupid howbad it became...like some of our friends have said, wind chimes, toasting glasses etc etc. My ex-wife and i once went on a return call, years ago...he was a sweet old guy,really kind, but because he had some weird looking ornaments we got worried. Just before we left he gave us 3 or 4 bottles of home made wine...as a GIFT. We dumped them in a bin further up the road. What the hell did we think was gonna happen? I dunno maybe we'd end up with demonised piss or something. Bloody Hell i feel liberated now. I look forward to more of your corker questions.



  • love2Bworldly

    my penis, when i was about 17. it did the weirdest things, and even spoke to tongues.



    Hee Hee Hee You guys crack me up!

  • Collegegurl

    I remember hearing stories about people listening to rap or rock music on the radio and then having their room possesed until they stopped and burned their cd's.. So when I first got the nerve to read Harry Potter I was nervous that I was bringing demons into my room. I actually had a nightmare about this happening, I was so freaked out I returned the book to the library. I've gotten over my fear.

  • slugga

    I was lucky as a kid my father wasn't "in" and my mum was fairly balanced so nothing was demonised but I used to hate brothers and sisters that would try telling me things like barbies, books and second hand y fronts were demonised. To me stuff like that is just dub superstition.

    Show me a scripture where an inanimate object is possessed by an evil spirit and I'll eat my hat.

    I used to have a mate that was into lizards and snakes, his mum wouldn't let him have a snake in the house though as she thought they were satanic. She threatened to get the elders onto us because we were showing an interest in them lol

  • deeskis

    I questioned in my mind a lot of the stuff we were taught. e.g. rock music........cause it has roots in tribal african rituals..........WTF!

    But I remember early teens we were driving home from dinner at my grandparents house and Nana had given us some trinkets, that had belonged to her mother. My parents stopped the car close to home and made us chuck the family heirlooms in the river, (what a tosser!), cause great granny had "the sixth sense", and her dreams sometimes came true. I wonder if someone found my beautiful wooden trinket box on the river bank an took it home!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    Ouiji boards

    Aliens from space

    Now I just think elders are demonized - and the GB


  • upside/down

    my penis, when i was about 17. it did the weirdest things, and even spoke to tongues.


    Don't forget Pokemon Cards!

    Devil the Satan is one sure clever fella...

    u/d(of the my penis speaks to tongues too class)

  • ferret

    GB. they cause more harm than any demon.

  • insearchoftruth

    My stepson may be about to lose his yu-gi-oh cards if his grandparents catch him, or if mom becomes a jw at some time?!?!?

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