Crazy Californian Witnesses...

by Dune 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dune

    I dont know if you guys noticed or not. But there is a general consensus among my friends and some witnesses that I talk to that there is something almost inherently wrong with Californian witnesses. (I'm on the East Coast)

    When i was younger, i used to hear stories about orgies, wife swapping, drug selling and gang member witnesses in the good ole Golden state.
    ALong with California, other states, provinces, cities and countries noted for their "debuached" witnesses are Florida, Amsterdam and Australia. I dont know about Australia and Florida though.

    Anyway, what have you guys heard/experienced?

  • misspeaches

    I may have been a little sheltered but I certainly never heard any scandals of these types for the 25 years or so I was with them...

    Shame really - our part of the world can be quite dull and this would've livened things up a little!

  • jeanniebeanz

    Everyone was pretty uptight and straight laced where I grew up. And keeping in mind that it was Mendocino County, whacky tobaccy capital of the U.S., that's something.

    Never heard of any of this... but then I was pretty true blue... maybe they just never invited me... lol


  • Think

    They play to much, they have to much fun !!! They should be pedling magazizez every day 145 hrs a week !!!

    I hear this fro brother who was cleaning toilets, working day and night, have no life at all... But he was thinking that he his more spiritualll !!!

    Now... his life sucks, his wife left him, he is on the net hoping for new wife... waiting for email on JW and the emails never come...

  • TallTexan

    When I was growing up an older sister from California moved into our small town Texas congregation. We thought she was pretty crazy. She was in her 60's and drove a black Trans-Am with the license plate "1 Wild 1". And took it in kidding. She was out there, let me tell ya... She told some interesting stories about the JW's in California being a little 'loose'. I don't know how true they were......

  • daniel-p

    That's OK, we have our stories about all the rest of you....

  • lola28

    Hey, just becaue the CO removed a whole BOE due to wife sawping in one of the local congregations dosen't mean that California witnesses are weird, we just get too much sun , which sometimes makes us act a little funny.


  • Highlander

    Hey, I've been here in california 3 years now and I think the witnesses here are more fanatical than the midwest.

    There's nothing like having some punkass 13 year old 'brother' inform me that this stuff is really serious(meetings, service, worshiping the WT corp, etc.)

    Never in my life did I have a punkass brat encourage(bully) me to be more spiritual.

  • lola28


    Mind if i ask what part of Cali you are from?


  • Highlander

    My first congregation I attended here was Buena Park,, went there for a few months,,, moved to long beach,, went to maybe a handful of meetings and that was it.

    I just know that Buena Park Congo was very fanatic,, well,, speaking of fanatic,, the last Long Beach meeting I attended,, During the watchtower study,

    a sister was practically yelling into the microphone that if we didn't go out preaching then we were LIARS!!!! because as baptized witnesses we promised to

    go preaching door to door,, you are a LIAR!!!! reminded me of the fat lady from 'trading spouses' or 'wife swap'... we all know the episode.

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