Switch "Knowledge" to "Bible Teach" - Why?

by Inquisitor 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Inquisitor

    Can anyone tell me (or link me up if this has already been asked) why the January Kingdom Ministry instructs publishers to gradually wean studies of the "Knowledge" book and to start with this new release "What Does the Bible Teach"?

    What are they trying to hide?

    It didn't seem like there was much to be embarrassed about in the knowledge book.


  • Honesty

    Too many 'apostate' critics have researched the 'Knowledge' book and some have even published articles and books exposing its deceptive and misleading statements.

    The WITCHTOWER BABBLE and TRICK SYCOPATHS have bought some time with switching 'studies' to the new book. It will take the 'apostates' a few months to expose this publication to the public.

  • blondie

    Actually, whenever the WTS has come out with a new official study book, they have the rank and file "wean" off their students. It happened with the Live Forever book and now with the Knowledge book. I think the new book teaches more to the baptism questions in the new Organized book (OD) and is designed to simplify the indoctrination process for the JW not the non-JW.

    Each book is dumbed down even more than the last one.


  • daniel-p

    They are completely disregarding those who might not be sold yet on monotheism. In all their new literature they launch directly into what the Bible says. I believe they are trying to wean themselves off of defending Creationism (fundamental or otherwise) because they know it's a losing battle. It is no longer their prerogative to get engaged into theocratic warfare, even though that is what they purport to do. If someone doesn't believe in God, then bad luck for them, because the vindictive and multi-personality God Jehovah is certainly not going to appeal to them. It is not a coincidence that the lands with the greatest growth are traditionally areas where people are monothiestic and have a penchant for proclaiming the apocalyptic ends of their enemies.

  • stillajwexelder

    Each book is dumbed down even more than the last one.

    Normally I agree with you Blondie and it is true this has been the case so far. However, the Knowledge book was really dumbed down - I believe the Bible teach book is a little meatier and has slightly more substance. I accept these are relative terms. In aa nutshell The Bible Teach book is less dumbed down than the Knowledge book IMHO

  • blondie

    Stilla, perhaps you could share an example. I'd be interested.


  • daniel-p

    "The Bible Teach book is less dumbed down than the Knowledge book IMHO"

    Although I cannot offer an example at this time, I agree. With the very title, "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" it addresses the person who is inquisitive, and needs convincing. "Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life" just sounds so corny and cultish....

  • stillajwexelder

    Stilla, perhaps you could share an example. I'd be interested.

    Well the appendices are at least an attempt to discuss meatier subjects in depth. There also more pages in the Teach book

  • stillajwexelder

    also the Teach book will be on the new CD-ROMwhich I will get shortly. When I have that I will post more examples

  • blondie

    So are the appendixes part of the material that will be studied or will it be optional?

    I wonder how many JWs have read the appendixes in the back of the NWT?

    Does the re-examine site have the Teach book online? Maybe I should get a copy?


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