Prophecy Blunders

by Brutus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    wow - i hadnt heard this quote before re beth sarim. where is this from, a newspaper?

    Asked how he expected David and his distinguished brethren to look, Rutherford, without hesitation, opened his huge Bible and pointed to a verse which said that the Princes of the Universe would be risen from the dead 'as perfect men'. 'I interpret that to mean', the tall dignified Judge declared, 'that David, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jepthae, Joseph and Samuel will be sent here to wrench the world from Satan's grasp, clothed in modern garb as we are, and able, with little effort, to speak our tongue.' Rutherford pictured the arrival of the biblical delegation perhaps in frock coats, high hats, canes and spats.


    What a thrill giant shouldered Samson, who wrecked a palace with his bare fists might find in the gold safety razor and strop!

    what a marvelously anglo-centric view! we can imagine rutherford looking down his nose at the real david and samson if they were to appear, dressed in their unacceptably provincial garb, speaking in their swarthy little backwater tongues. and - gasp - beards!

    "now that simply won't do brother sampson. no, not at all. tsk tsk. here let me show you how to use this thouroughly modern razor and strop. its really quite convenient, you see. just hold it thusly... and apply lightly liiiike so--"

    at which, rutherford is unexpectedly killed by a frightened samson, still recovering from his philistine ordeal and resurrection-shock.


  • Gopher


    You wrote,

    The God that brought the flood in Noah's day (ya' know the one that killed all those little kids) is the same one that will bring Arm
    Wiz, one of the hardest things since I've not been a JW any more is challenging all of my assumptions that I had built up and believed until age 39. Questioning the accuracy of the Bible itself is one of the SCARIEST things ever; one thinks that God is watching with disfavor as you question your core beliefs!

    However, didn't God give us a brain? Aren't we supposed to think, evaluate things, check context, see why things are said or are written? Or did God want us to robotically follow him?

    You said you want to know the TRUTH on matters, and it seems you're willing to read. It's taken a while for me to come around, but there are some possible holes in the Flood account. Please consider this thread:

    To me, the flood account was (like much of Genesis) written from a human perspective. "The whole world" certainly could reasonably be taken to mean "the whole KNOWN world". Before you automatically dismiss this as terrible, apostate reasoning, think again. Please consider opposite viewpoints. (Or maybe you like what you read in the thread, who knows???)

    I invite you to continue dialogue with members of this forum and establish in your mind what seems reasonable, what seems true.

    Again as you said, Jesus demonstrated his Father to be a God of almost unending mercy and love. Perhaps later on we'll learn exactly what his purposes are towards earth, but let's not automatically assume that they are what the WT says that they are (an end to almost all mankind, followed by a paradise earth ....). There are differing viewpoints as to whether the Bible even says THAT MUCH. But the overriding principle....God is love, does not jibe with a bloodthirsty God who will wreak vengeance upon 99.9% of mankind, just because they didn't align themselves with God's supposed organization....

    So, it's not that the Bible is necessarily false, but a lot of it is misunderstood. (It takes a while to shake the old WT cobwebs out of one's head....I admit, it was very true in my case)

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Moxy

    wasnt wiz's comment tongue-in-cheek?


  • AngelofMuZiC

    Comment to Fredhall

    I think that you are the biggest hypocrite out there! If you were really "Loyal" to "the faithful and discreet slave", number ONE, you would not even be on this site! Don't you know that sites like this can 'damage' your spirituality and plant seeds of doubt in your head? And TWO, you would not be name-calling and arguing with others on this site. That is not in 'harmony' with the holy spirit.
    So I suggest you just flat out shut your freakin piehole!!!!!!

    To Brutus,
    Thank you for posting this. I went to the website and printed out the pages in their entirety. When I read some of the things in there, I was floored!!! I had never even heard of most of these things!!!! For instance, the Beth Sarim thing. I've herd other talk about it, but I never actually knew of it origins. Unbelievable!! I think Judge Drunkard was on more than booze...maybe a little opium?

    My Regards Everyone,

  • thewiz

    AngelofMuZic, I guess your're right about name calling. But as for the arguing, I don't. Ideas are not fostered when averyone says the same thing. Isn't that an Automaton?

    If JWs want to post here, what's wrong with it? If they come here what's wrong with it? It's an open-and-free forum isn't it?

    Did anyone here know that JWs onced believed that Jehovah's throne, or the seat of his throne was the Pleides in Tauras? -Good One.

    I think the best thing is for a person to present their idea or opinion and the rest can evaluate and debate about it for themselves.

    Say are their any former CO's or DO's or PO's that post to these forums? I would really like to hear what some of you have to say.

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