Isn't It Eye Opening When You Realize How STUPID This Religion Is?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Absolutely! Its like the scales have falling off your eyes and you can now see 20/20. Where as before you were really blind and didn't know it.


  • cyber-sista
    OK, everybody!

    Get in front of a mirror and repeat after me,

    "What was I thinking?"


    OK, everybody!

    Get in front of a mirror and repeat after me,

    "What was I not thinking?"

  • startingover

    I recently attended a JW funeral in a KH. Even though it was a serious occasion, I caught myself a couple of times on the verge of an audible chuckle.

  • minimus

    I am now beating the sh*t out of myself.

  • mrsjones5

    In my opinion it will always be a bargin basement, second-hand, lack luster, spirit sapping, money grubbing, poor excuse for a religion.


  • minimus

    dumb religion

  • Qcmbr

    While you may no longer agree with the religion - do you think that 'stupid' is perhaps to reflect yourselves too harshly (are you not all mainly ex-JWs?) - while I disagree with some of the teachings I think some of the fundamentals are far from stupid and you are much to be admired for standing by those ideas once, ideals that I hope are not lightly cast aside with your loss of belief in the WT. Let me list a few that would make you rate highly in my esteem and would be the sort of characteristics and values I would seek for in my friends:

    1/ A desire to control your passions and desires for use in more appropriate times - I see too many people gripped by an 'express anything, with anyone at anytime' attitude that seems to have at its root a selfish desire triumphing over self discipline and patience. Many, arguably, no longer value liberty as the ability to choose wisely; they use it rather as an excuse to indulge without thought of cost or consequence.

    2/ A value of marriage and family (notwithstanding the pain of the shunning doctrine) as a most precious organisation above that of companies, businesses , cliques or friendships. Despite shunning and headship I have read enough WT literature to know that they teach great family values and cherish harmony within the family.

    3/ An acceptance that despite all that may seem dark and troubling in this world there is hope.

    4/ The recognition that belief is important.

    5/ A recognition that all people are of worth and can become great.

    6/ A desire for peace.

    7/ A love of integrity, justice, mercy and compassion.

    There are more, I know many may point bitterly to certain individual experiences, doctrines etc.. that may have clashed with the above but at its core the majority within the JW organisation where and still are good people seeking to be better. I firmly believe in the principle of light attracting light and like most (all?) religious communities you will find a greater concentration of truly lovely and kind people than is general amongst the rest of the world.

    I have read and thought much about the kind of people who are here and I think I can say that most here are salt of the earth kinds who will have gained much from the WT teachings. I can think of far 'stupider' organisations to have spent time with which could have benefited you far less (wow you could have been LDS - then you could have been rich, clever and lovely :)

  • ferret

    To Qcmbr: I have to say you still have that witness mental attitude in which you believe

    every thing they tell you. I take issue with your comment about good family values.

    Families are supposed to have unconditional love for all members. I know if one of mine strayed

    I would not cut them off (neither would Jesus) but I would work with them and show brotherly

    love or parental love. Once they are shunned the door is closed to them. And I resent your

    remark about LDS as I know many of them and they would not think of shunning their

    family members. They also allow lifesaving blood transfusions, they will fight for their

    country if called upon, so clean up your own act before condemning others,

  • mrsjones5

    My father (God love him) taught me that a little lie is still a lie, one lie usually leads to another and that leaving out bits of truth is lying by omission...all of this the Society has done.

    The good morals I have I give credit to my parents not the Society.


  • Qcmbr

    That's Ok Ferret - I was only suggesting that despite all the rubbish there is some good to be found within the WT org and that many will have become better people despite the organisation - my tone was hopefully more friendly and happy than perhaps you may have read into it - I'm trying to be a little less abrasive these days. I agree with you about the LDS though ;)

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