Alot of Questions regarding Jehovah God.

by Geetarfreek! 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mysterious

    JWs will tell you in paradise the "former things will not be called to mind" in that you won't even care that your loved ones didn't make it. What a bunch of crap.

    As for guitar it would depend what kind of music you were playing with it. Also if it took time from "spiritual pursuits" and if you were playing with a band (bad association) or concerts (fame/idolatry).

    I say screw them. Play guitar and enjoy the company of those you love.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    God loves us JUST THE WAY WE ARE. He loves us unconditionaly. God created us all different and that means we must be true to ourselves to ever reach our full potential as God's individual children. You will know when something is wrong. Read your Bible, preferably not the New World Translation when you want to know right from wrong from God's viewpoint. The Ten Commandments are a great start, and the words of Jesus sum it all up. LOVE. Be yourself in love.

    ROCK ON little brother~LOVE, Kate

  • serendipity

    Hi geetarfreek, welcome to the forum!

  • googlemagoogle

    gitfreak, why do you think that there are people who know anything more about god than you do?

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Good question google, very good question

  • Geetarfreek!

    Because I know myself that I know not as much as I should about Jehova God. It is only up until about 2 weeks ago that I started to really appreciate God. My papa knows alot more than me and I normally always ask him but I don't see him all the time?

    Why would it matter anyway? The nice people so far have had no problems answering my questions and I wouldn't either if I had the answers to questions someones wanted to know.

    Also when you referred to me as guitfreak, why did you do so?

    Peace and Love.


  • googlemagoogle

    geetarfreak (git = guitar... i only abbreviated it. btw, i'm a guitarist too), did your papa meet god? if not how would he know anything more but his own ideas about god?

  • Geetarfreek!

    A bit strange that your abbreviation for geetar is git!? There is 2 ee's.

    My papa has read the Bible many times and no doubt knows much more about Jehova God than me and is also in charge of a Kingdom Hall for JW's nearby my house. Answer your question?

  • Pubsinger


    Depends if you're any good at it. If you're bad at it then the friends and family are the ones you should be worried about upsetting.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    My papa has read the Bible many times and no doubt knows much more about Jehova God than me and is also in charge of a Kingdom Hall for JW's nearby my house. Answer your question?

    Your papa sounds like a godly man that followed his heart to be doing what he is doing. As we mature we all develop different gifts and abilities and you will find that you have gifts completly different than your father. The way your father worships God, may end up a different way from you. You may even find that you can worship Jehovah God through your music! Do no harm to no one and Follow your heart. I'm sure your papa is very proud of you. I hope that never ever changes as you grow.

    As you can see most of us here no longer follow the Watchtower's interpretations of what the Bible has to say. Some do not follow the Bible at all or believe it is inspired from God, and that is ok too. We all have the personal responsibility to decide for ourselves. Love~Kate "To Thine Own Self Be True"

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