Hatred of the Police

by Sam the Man 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    Was it the fault of the Police that you were beaten in the first place? Apparently not. Did you know who beat you up? Did you make a statement and co-operate? My experience is that those who say "the Police did nothing" are the ones who don't WANT to help.

    There is a finite number of officers and very occasionally all of them will be committed at incidents. All calls are prioritised and although the pensioner's call would have been graded as "Immediate Response", there is no accounting for the times when seven or eight "Immediates" come in at the same time. How do you tell the woman who has just been raped that you'll be back in half an hour because another job has come in.

    While walking your dog how do you know that these officers weren't responding to a call for assistance at the station? I suspect that this happened once and this has been exaggerated into a regular occurence.

    There are some who will always think the worst of the police, there isn't much we can do about it, except comfort ourselves with the thought that one day, they will have to swallow their pride and admit that they need the police after all!

    In response to the observation that the majority of Police officers are "bloody idiots", the obvious response is that there is an idiot minority of the public and the police are the ones who have to deal with them. Perhaps you would like to have a go?

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Your views on our wonderful police force make me sick, and are more bias and one sided than mine.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Besides that, who are you to say that I didnt help the police, and that I witnessed the filth go through the traffic with sirens on just once? You complete fool, run along to your husband or whoever and keep telling yourself that he does a good job... oh doesnt he look cute in that little uniform.

  • Simon

    I think the police do an extremely difficult job and do it amazingly well. They are not helped by idiotic politicians making dumb laws or setting stupid targets that cause them to get the stick for trying to uphold.

    It doesn't help that many in Great Crap Britain are mindless binge-drinking yobs who frankly deserve a good kicking and consume a disproportionate share of the emergency services resources.

    All my dealings with the police have been positive both when I've been occassionally stopped for something and when I've been out helping them. I don't doubt that in an organisation as large there will be some bad cops and some just making mistakes but on the whole they do a great job.

    However, I think some people have an unrealistic view of what they are there for. Their ability to prevent and protect against crime is somewhat limited so the main activity is detecting crime that has happened. It is the politicians who make the rules about what people can and can't do to protect themselves. Personally, I prefer to protect myself and my family and worry about consequences later (I'd rather be in trouble with the law than dead).

    There has recently been a lot of fuss in the UK about whether the life of a police officer is valued "more" than a civilian. I am not sure there should be different punishments for the same crime (murder) but I understand the reasons for the detection rate of police-killers being higher - those guilty are, by definition, already somehow connected to the police and other crimes so are more likely to be found.

  • Ellie

    I don't think I need to say anymore Sam, you have proved my point perfectly.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Yeah, of course I have love. Run along.

  • outoftheorg

    Yeah Sam.

    If you have an auto accident and one of those awful police want to put pressure on your ruptured femeral artery so you don't bleed out, just tell him you hate police and don't touch me.

    He will ignore you and try to save your life anyway, the rotten bastard.

    Outoftheorg former sheriffs deputy.

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    I think cops suck, but that just my opinion. dont hate them but they do suck

  • DannyHaszard

    I have gone through 48 years of life without one bad experience with Law enforcement and i am outspoken.My web site is law enforcement "friendly" for a reason.Treacherous scheming Jehovah's Witnesses have twiced filed false police complaints against me, that's right PERJURY (Theocratic warfare) to try to get be put away.I have made sure they will never get away with it in my county ever again.

    Every cop in town and the city officials who sign their paychecks know exactly what's going on.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    I think the problem here is that we are discussing policing in all countries. I am sure that coppers are of some use in America, and I am sure they are completely useless in a place like Mexico. Here, let me tell you, they are about as much use as a nun in a brothel.

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