Underground Reformed JW movement

by RealNewLight 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    I wonder about this: does this "movement" have meetings? I assume it must. Am I right? I would think a movement must have some kind of meetings.

  • IP_SEC
    Possibly the start of the witch-hunt - on the face of it good -slowly get drawn in so they can find names oof all the apostates and lurkjers and then a mass disfellowshipping- I would not trust this until we have some major history and a lot more information about them.

    I think you are right stilla.

    The benefit of so called reformist movements is that they can undermine the authority of the cult. Divide and conquer. AJWRB for example will never make the society change its stance on blood. It will help to errode its authority.

  • yaddayadda

    "Perhaps the movement you speak of is the disturbing news the Elders have been concerned with last week"

    Hey Tophat, what is this 'disturbing news' the elders have been concerned about??

  • sf

    I posted this statement in Kennesons reform thread, and want it placed here as well:

    Sure, re-form it. Re-shape it. THEN WHAT? Discard all the years before, of utter insanity and death of so many of its members? Especially the insane death of so many children, at the hands of their parents permission. Going along with such insanity is, well...


    My theory on re-form, and you will notice, it is mostly the MEN who like the position of some type of control over others, hence the positions they held in their years as a jw, then and now, that are strongly holding onto the hopes of such re-form, as to continue holding that control. And power. Being looked up to.


  • MsMcDucket

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

  • dezpbem

    Your movement may do well with it's own discussion board. There are many free boards you can use. As far as the society finding out why should you care? You can use handles rather than real names. If they ever sue get the american civil liberties group to defend you. It falls under the category of freespeech, freedom of religion, etc. I know an ex-jw who's a lawer. She may be interested in this...


  • dezpbem

    I wrote "lawer", lol! LAWYER! I'm starting to realize that I either have bad typing skills or a horrible keyboard. This keeps happening.

  • Grouper

    I am not sure what to think of this.

    When many investigate their doubts it is very difficult to stay a witness. I live in Los Angeles and the only movement I have seen is with friends of mine some still witnesses in good standing with privileges that are open minded about where JW are heading. But others upon investigating seldom attend meetings anymore including me.

    I grew up in a Spanish congregation and I find it very unlikely that a movement would start their, as a kid we always joked that elders were so strict that we should just be a catholic school. Most of the JW in Spanish are ex very passionate loud Catholics.

    With regards to their being a imminent witch hunt I don't think that will happen at least not here, I have friends and acquaintance that debate trinity doctrines at churches and have written books positive and negative of witnesses and they have not being dFed.

    Does it even matter!

    Many of the witness kids I know and are close to act the same a world kids, they drink heavy, are promiscuous and many times only confess if found out, experiment with drugs. Some of the elders and MS I know talk about JWs not having absolute truth so occasionally when we get together in the weekends and have a few beers we openly talk about wacky JW doctrines and were we are headed, some of the subjects we have talked about includes how we disregard WT policy with regards blow jobs, higher education, what if the end is not around the corner. I really don't belief many of the teachings of JW but it is interesting when you talk with an open minded elder and ms they’ll tell you that many of our doctrines are on shaky grounds, don’t belief a global flood occurred, sigh every time a new member of the GB is announced and is in his 50s. But they stay because they have too much invested in the TRUTH.

  • wednesday

    is this the group that sends out updates on issue of blood and seeks to make chages in it?


  • sass_my_frass

    Sounds like a lot of effort to go to, to be honest. Why not just cut the umbilical cord altogether and start living your own lives?

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