Underground Reformed JW movement

by RealNewLight 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    I have a relative who belongs to the Medthodist chuch and when she learn that was no longer a Witness she said " I want you to know I have been praying for you for a long time, that your eyes would be open" I told her my eyes are open to all organised religion. Everyone religion is a tool of Satan as far as I am concerned" That is how I feel.

  • yaddayadda

    This is very interesting. So what triggered this small underground movement? Was it internet surfing by the young ones in those congregations? (Will the internet-savvy new youth generation be the downfall of the WTS?)

    And how do you know who to talk to about the doubts you have? It seems a big risk to even dare broach a subject that might be perceived as apostate in nature.

    How do you endure the cognitive dissonance at the meetings - it must be torture.

    This shows that more and more the organisation is becoming nothing more than a kind of Christian 'social club' for young ones. There are so many who have been born into it now and have the most sophisticated social lives and network of friends that it is understandable they do not want to throw that all away by just leaving. It can be very hard making new friends out in the 'world' and can be a daunting prospect. Unfortunately a lifetime of mental conditioning not to trust worldlings takes years to shed. These young latin brothers and sisters seem to have come up with a healthy compromise in the meantime. Good on them and go for it!

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    RealNewLight, welcome to the board, I think what you all are doing is wonderfull, just don't get caught, my close family and I are still attending meetings here and there, but no longer believe in the WTS teachings. We have lifelong wonderful freinds in this, and family members and this is what we want to avoid losing. Attending the meetings is getting tough now, I have to fight hard to not just walk out, from all the mindnumbing garbage the WTS is printing lately in the Magazines.

    I hope you have much success with this endeavor RNL, and may the FORCE be with you.


  • RealNewLight

    Thank you both for your encouragement! Yaddayadda, these are very good questions. I believe part of what triggered this movement was not only the use of the internet, but also the fact that many young witnesses are now attending college, and freeing themselves from the confines of the society, and beginning to learn to think in different ways...which natrually leads to questions. As to how we know who to talk to about the doubts they and we may have, one of the best ways we can do this is by staying in contact by the young people from the congregation that have been DF'd or left the organization. Through them, we can get information about which members have remained in contact with them, and what they have spoken about with them. This is also a great conversation starter (online usually) for example "Hey, you know i talked to (insert DF'd young brother/sister here) for a while..." and see what reaction you get. Also, those young brothers and sisters who do things which are clearly looked down upon by the society, such as going to clubs, studying long careers, etc. are also often open to talking about these doubts. We protect ourselves from the "apostate" title, by starting off only talkign to people about things we know they themselves are doing, and therefore will not go to the elders abour for the fear of getting themselves in trouble.

  • Justin

    What is needed is a separate forum for people who are disillusioned with the organization but feel that they cannot leave because of family, life-long committment, and so on. Then they won't have to worry about who it is safe to talk to, nor will they have to continually consider the possibility of leaving if this option is not right for them. This may not reform the organization, but at least it will provide support for people in this situation. Being able to work the system from within is a different path from those on their way out.

  • willyloman
    my close family and I are still attending meetings here and there, but no longer believe in the WTS teachings. We have lifelong wonderful freinds in this, and family members and this is what we want to avoid losing. Attending the meetings is getting tough now, I have to fight hard to not just walk out, from all the mindnumbing garbage the WTS is printing lately in the Magazines.

    Gee, this must just drive the WTS crazy!

  • jeeprube

    That sounds very nice, unfortunately you will have little effect on the WTS. They are a totalitarian society, and like all other dictatorships in history they will crush any rebellion to their authority.

    My advice is to keep your head down, otherwise they will take your family and friends from you.

  • bjc2read

    The following information was posted recently concerning future "reform" activities among Jehovah's witnesses as a nation.


    Revelation 12 Verse 2 shows the “woman,” God’s woman is “pregnant” and she cries out in her “pains” and “agony” to give birth to the “Male Child.” Indeed, Jehovah God has caused these “pains” and “agony” for the woman to give birth to His Son, the “Male Child.” These “pains” and “agony” associated with the “birth” are the troublesome times ahead for the Watchtower Society, especially with many reformed-minded ones taking a stand against the leadership of Jehovah’s witnesses at the kingdom halls around the world. All of this will seem to be a great mystery to the “woman” herself, since she will not fully understand the actual need for such reform “issues” that must be settled for the sake of righteousness. At the center of these reform “issues” will be heinous activity of the Governing Body becoming NGO Supporters of the United Nations Organization, in secret, for some 10 years.


    The Link to above paragraph can be found at:



  • Golf

    Great post and very interesting RNL., I enjoyed reading all the following thought provoking comments.

    Time is my friend.


  • rebel8

    Realnewlight, hello. I think I am actually saying "hello again" because I believe we have talked on another forum, haven't we?

    My question is still, is this a movement or just a few people? You mentioned several congregations. I guess my idea of a movement involves an organized effort of some sort. Are you still trying to keep in touch with your fellow movement members on your forum and web site? And if so, what is it again?

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