Russell is to Freemasons as "Apostates" are to JWD

by watch the tower 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Uzzah

    Or the other possibility is that those of us who are Mason's know better than to feed the imaginations of the conspiracy theorists. They are as closed minded as the most devout cultist.

    Uzzah - not part of the anti-christ but who is a mason

  • LittleToe

    ...but it's so much fun - LOL.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I believe he was a Freemason too, just my gut feeling considering all of the evidence that I have uncovered over the last 8 years on the net. There's just too many indicators. I look at it this way, for years I had doubts about the WT Society, and yet I could find no answer, I just kept searching and eventually I came online and discovered the truth about the "truth". It may take a long time for any more credible evidence to surface on Russell, but Im sure it will someday. The WT was successful for so many years in keeping their secrets hidden, and now they have been made public. So too with the Masons, someday there will be some info that will leak out, and it will show that CT Russell was a Mason. I just thought of something. My brother had some bible students move in next door, and on their car was a bumper sticker with "divine plan of the ages". My brother had a long conversation with them and even though they are followers of CT Russsell, they too believe he was a Freemason.


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