Russell is to Freemasons as "Apostates" are to JWD

by watch the tower 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    Your latest Russell Freemasonry fix here. This makes perfect sense to me. What do you think? Stop trying to look for hard evidence just short of Russell being raised from the grave, grabbing a bullhorn and shouting "I WAS A MASON!". After reading this. What does your intuition tell you? No smartass comments please.

    If, when reading a particular writer’s works, you came across repeated references to medical terms you could safely assume that the writer had in the past had some close relationship with doctoring or medicine. Likewise, when one reads the books and sermons of Pastor Charles Taze Russell, one can see regular use of Masonic terms such as ‘mystery’ and ‘secret’ and Masonic buzz words such as Grand Master, Great Architect of the Universe, the Order, Light, Priesthood and Initiated and use of Masonic symbols then one must assume that Russell had more than a fleeting knowledge of the Masonic order. In a book of Pastor Russell’s Sermons we find some interesting wording in the style of writing especially in the first sermon in the book. We quote below some of the sections of this sermon for your consideration, the Masonic terms are underlined and the Masonic teaching is shown below each section of text :-

    Page 6 :- As in some secret societies there are different steps or grades—for instance, all Masons are familiar with the secrets pertaining to the first degree yet not all Masons are familiar with the secrets, etc., pertaining to the thirty-second degree, so in God's Secret Order there are first principles of the doctrines of-Christ which must be known to all who belong to the order, and are also “deep things of God,” which may be known only to those who have made advancement by growth in grace and knowledge and love. (Heb. 6:1; I Cor. 2:10) To some unfamiliar with the facts but having a knowledge of earthly secret societies it may seem strange to say that the secrets of the Divine Order of the Sons of God are so abstract, so impenetrable, that they may be discussed freely in the presence of others and not be comprehended at all.

    Compare the Masonic teaching – There are Degrees and Orders in God’s fraternal order

    Page 6 :- The only restrictions in respect to the telling of the secrets of this Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood are, “Cast not that which is holy before dogs,” “Cast not your pearls before swine,”

    Compare the Masonic teaching – Keep Holy knowledge secret

    Page 7 :- a preparatory or Junior Order was inaugurated, Abraham being chosen of the Lord as its Grand Master. To him the whole secret of the Order was communicated in few words saying, “In thee and in thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”

    Compare the Masonic teaching – Abraham was a Grand Master

    Page 12 : It is at times really amazing to note how the unconsecrated mind, attempting to understand the Mystery of God, designed only for the members of this Order, falls into such egregious blunders

    Compare the Masonic teaching – Mysteries are designed for only God’s Fraternal Order

    Page 13 : that all from whom God thus hides these special things or secrets of the Lord

    Compare the Masonic teaching – God hides secret knowledge

    Page 14 : We are not hindered from telling the ultimate purposes of this grand Secret Order which our Lord organized

    Compare the Masonic teaching – The Grand Secret Order has purpose

    Page 14 :- you as have taken several degrees in the Order, passing from grace to grace and from knowledge to knowledge.

    Compare the Masonic teaching – There Are degrees of knowledge

    Page 14 – 15 : To our understanding the total number of members in this Order of the Melchizedek Priesthood will be 144,001, the one being our Grand Master and Lord and Redeemer, the others being those of whom He says,

    Compare the Masonic teaching – Membership limited to 144,001

    Page 17 :- I exhort that we who have become members of this Secret Order of the Lord, including also those who under the leading of the Lord’s Spirit, may yet become members of it, shall appreciate more and more fully its wonderful privileges and gladly conform more and more to its requirements, that we may thus make our calling and election sure to the glorious fruition of our hopes in the Kingdom of God and its gracious work under the whole heavens!

    Compare the Masonic teaching – Work hard at the secret orders to make sure of your salvation

    This is just a small sampling of the extensive Masonic wording from this sermon alone and should you wish to have a copy of the full sermon with Masonic terms underlined please send a small donation to cover costs and postage.

    Another area which reflects the Masonic connection was the use of symbols. The sign used by the Masonic order of Knights Templar was the cross dissecting a crown. The members were encouraged to display their logo where ever possible. In case the reader is thinking that a similar logo may have been created, which we would admit could be a possibility, we should point out that the Masonic Knights Templar symbol had a red cross and a very distinctive crown. When Russell used the logo on early copies of the Watchtower they clearly had a red cross and the special distinctive crown. Also on flyers and advertising materials a red cross and the special crown was always used.

    The Knights Templar Crown was also used on the headstone on the grave of Pastor Russell and a good colour photograph of this can be seen on this web site. It is also interesting to note that many of Russell's talks were given at Masonic halls for example The Watchtower of 1 December 1923 on page 360 records the use of the Pittsburgh Syria Shrine Temple for the annual meeting of the WTB&TS/Convention.

    One way Masons recognise each other is by secret signals and handshakes or terms in printed material. It seems odd that in the New World Translation of the Bible at Hosea 12:14 the Hebrew word “adonai” is translated as “grand master” in this one instance only. Could this be a secret sign to other Masons and maybe a clue to translation committee member Frederick Franz’s connection with the Masons.

    In his book The Watchtower & the Masons Fritz Springmeier says

    It has always been disconcerting that the Masons are so adept at smokescreens. The leader of the Anti-Masonic political party in the 1830-1840’s turned out to be a Mason. Both C.T.Russell and J.Rutherford printed material that was less than favourable to Freemasonry. And yet I now know that C.T.Russell was a Freemason, a Knights Templar. I also know that Rutherford worked intimately with Freemasons who were his good friends

    The Golden Age magazine, published by the Watchtower Society, of 26 March 1924 gives us a clue to where the name Watchtower may really have come from. The Society tells us that Mizpah in Hebrew translates into Watchtower. Interestingly one of the important types of magick used by the Illuminati, secret societies and New Agers is Enochian magick. The Watchtowers are a vital part of Enochian magick. Interestingly, three Knights Templar lodges that have the Hebrew name Mizpah were operating in Charles T. Russell’s area.

    The Watchtower Society under Russell’s direction actually proclaimed in The Watchtower of 15 Feb 1915 that God would use occult power on the earth during the Millennium. Under the heading “Evil Occult Powers In Operation” the magazine states on page 59

    The difference between Samuel and his occult powers, and the occult powers of others today is this : Samuel’s were manifested under Divine direction at a time when God was pleased to use such powers amongst his people Israel – powers which doubtless will be in exercise also to some extent during the Millennial Age for the world’s guidance.

    Russell was very much interested in Egypt and pyramids. This was evident from his extensive writings about the pyramids and their perceived connection to the Holy Scriptures. (See Studies in the Scriptures Vol 3). The first editions of his books Studies in the Scriptures bore on the front cover the Egyptian Winged Sun Disk. There are many variants of this symbol but the one used by Russell was the one used by the Masons.

    The Winged Sun Disk derives its meaning from ancient Egypt and represents the actual Masonic god worshipped at the higher levels of the Masonic Order. On Russell’s tomb stands a pyramid bearing the Knights Templar logo and as stated earlier this can be seen on this web site where you can view a colour photograph of this.

    Finally let us look at some parallels between what Pastor Russell believed and what the Masons teach:-

    • Both believe Jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their God
    • Both believe God yielded power to a lesser God
    • Neither take heed that the Tetragrammaton is more properly rendered Yahweh rather than Jehovah, nor do they give much credence to the Tetragrammaton meaning “I am that I am”.
    • Both use the Masonic term Great Architect
    • Both believe that Jesus is only a good man, not almighty God
    • Both believe that Hiram Abiff is the Messiah
    • Both do not understand Christ’s mediatorship and do not feel the need for Christ to be their mediator.
    • Both believe the church is a secret mysterious body – whose mysteries and secrets are only given to the initiated as they progress.
    • Both state that members of their organisation do not need to renounce their membership in other religious bodies.
    • Both believe the church is a pyramid
    • Both have another Bible
    • Both feel that Christian scholars do not know the first thing about the Bible
    • Both believe that the Bible is written in code and is a hidden book and a temple.
    • Both believe in a future life for all mankind, the new Golden Age.
    • Both reject the doctrine of Hell
    • Both speak with the same voice – to writ, that a lie is not a lie when one deceives someone not worthy to know the truth.
    • Both will lie under oath to protect friends.
    • Both emphasise continuing revelation.
    • Both see an exclusiveness to truth
    • Both appeal to reason, to mysteries, and hidden knowledge.
    • Both while appealing to reason, feel no compunction in regards to historical facts, no matter how certain the historical evidence might be against their chosen view.
    • Both are fascinated with numbers, and special & cryptic meanings for numbers.
    • Both believe that God uses orders (ranks), and degrees, and oaths.
    • Both believe that Abraham and Melchizedek had progressed to a high degree in God’s order.
    • Both believe that God built the Great Pyramid.
    • Both are interested in Egyptology.
    • Both do not understand the atonement of Christ as Christian Theologians understand it.
    • Both believe in salvation by works.
    • Neither believe the new birth is needed.
    • Both use Masonic buzz words and symbols.
    • Both regard the Catholic church as Babylon the Great.
    • Both felt blacks were inferior to whites.
    • Both met in Masonic Halls.

    Remember these comparisons are with the thoughts of Pastor Russell and may not all be applicable to the modern teachings of the Watchtower Society

    A good book to read on this subject is The Watchtower & The Masons by Fritz Springmeier from which the above list was taken. Unfortunately the book is out of print but may be available from second hand bookshops. We are indebted to the author for the information contained in this very condensed article from his 248 page book. In closing we would like to quote from the last chapter of the book.:-

    • First it is clear that Russell knew detailed information about the Masons.
    • Second, Russell’s background was conducive to Masonic membership, and placed him in an excellent position to learn about the Masons.
    • Third, in spite of his own warnings that Freemasonry promotes “profane worship”, and in spite of his detailed knowledge of Masonry, Russell picks for his organisation Masonic logos, symbols and names.
    • Fourth, an overview of his writings and speeches show an almost continual repetition of Masonic teachings, Masonic buzzwords, and tolerance toward Freemasonry.
    • Fifth, Russell elevates his teachings above everyone else including the Freemasons. It was no accident when he printed two ex-Mason Bible Students’ letters which praised his anti Masonic stand. It was his way of building up his reputation. He is the only one with true brotherhood, and only his followers have true love. No organisation is exempt from his criticism. His self elevation and demeaning of most everyone else, should not be mistaken or confused as being a rejection of Masonic ideas and principles. Still he sees the Masonic order as a pattern of the “fellowship of mystery”, God’s secret order, better known as the church.
    • Sixth, Russell's beliefs dovetail with those of the Masons.
    • Seventh, Russell’s thirst to examine all the heresies in his personal studies, especially the likes of the Knights Templar, make it difficult to imagine that Russell did not study the Knights Templar.

    We hope you find this article stimulating and suggest that anyone interested should make a further private study of the subject.


  • gumby

    Do you think if Russell was a would detract any LESS from the Organisation?

    If not, why bother with repeated discussions about it?


  • LittleToe
    Your latest Russell Freemasonry fix here. This makes perfect sense to me. What do you think? Stop trying to look for hard evidence just short of Russell being raised from the grave, grabbing a bullhorn and shouting "I WAS A MASON!". After reading this. What does your intuition tell you? No smartass comments please.

    You need a new hobby.

    That's not smartass, it's said out of genuine concern.

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    New hobby?

    I'm not on this board nearly as much as you are littletoe. Thank for the concern. You're such a caring individual.

  • gumby
    You're such a caring individual.

    My vote goes to LT for bein a caring individual. ...and I ain't biased either


  • Ianone


    Nothing but smartass comments from "know it alls" who know squat about Freemasonry. Masons are commanded to lie when asked about the composition of membership, rituals, and oaths. How do they lie? By using misleading information and presenting as truths.

    People on here who claim to know Freemasonry, really don't. They read a couple of books and all of a sudden they think they know how the Lodge works.

    Few will address the evidence presented in this excellent post.

  • LittleToe

    Spoken like someone who's never been a Mason, either...

    At least I can ask about it from people who are Masons, without turning my nose up at them and hollering "anti-christ".

  • gumby
    Few will address the evidence presented in this excellent post.

    Someone should start a thread called....."Who Gives a Shit if Russell was a FreeMason or not"?


  • LittleToe
  • greendawn

    This issue was discussed thoroughly recenty and it is pretty clear that there is very good circumstantial evidence that he was a free mason but no smoking gun has been found yet. It's just that this evidence taken together as a whole, very strongly suggests that he was.

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