Well today is the day

by outoftheorg 29 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • outoftheorg

    Today at 3 pm I will take Donna to the hospital for her examination.She is putting up a good front but I can tell that she is really scared about the possible outcome.

    Being a nurse for years, one gathers up a lot of knowledge and she does know a lot about the body and its failures.

    She is scared and I am terrified. Her three sons and family will be there also. So I won't be alone.

    My few children in this area are still jw's and do not give a crap about me or Donna being ill.

    So they won't be there. My other children that are not jw's live so far away they can't come quickly.

    Please keep us in your mind and send some good vibes and or prayers for us.


  • Scully

    Please tell Donna that "Nurse Scully" is keeping her and all of you in my thoughts.

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( donna ))) ((( out ))) You have my love and prayer

  • Purza

    Thinking of you both.


  • Jankyn

    Sending good thoughts your way--how did it go?



  • outoftheorg

    How did it go.

    Well not too good. Yesterday they comfirmed that there is a blockage in the duct between the pancreas and the liver. A stint was installed and the flow of fluid from the liver was heavy, a good thing.

    A growth was discovered but no sample was available to the Dr. However he said if he had a sample and sent it for analaysis. He told me that if the report came back as benign, he wouldn't believe it. So he is convinced it is cancer.

    Today a Hi tech cat scam was performed and it showed the growth to be small at this time. We have yet to hear from the Dr. but this usually indicates that surgical removal is a possibility. He recomended a well respected surgeon in a Seatle Washington Hospital.

    Lets hope our insurance is or will cover this procedure.

    The jaundice is fading but Donna is exhausted at this point.

    Right now it is wait and see.

    Several of her non accepted wicked worldly friends are making many offers for help. The Director of nursing in the hosp. where Donna works, wants to bring us evening dinners. Lots of the employees are offering help of one kind or another.

    Oh those wicked followers of Satan, aren't they terrible??

    Please keep up sending good vibes or prayers our way. Donna is really overwhelmed by your kindness and loving acts.

    Thanks again for your support Outoftheorg

  • Kaput

    Hope things go well. Don't forget about second opinions, too.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Praying for you and Donna with love


  • DanTheMan

    Sorry to hear about this.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    You're both in my thoughts and prayers.... take care and keep us informed...


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