Franz' statement is outrageously unreasonable!

by Schizm 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    Was the comment made before his exodus or after ?

  • Now What?
    Now What?
    You ever heard a Jack LaLane fer cripe sakes?!! He's like 149 years old and can still kick my arse....and why? Cuz the skinny little bastard eats fruit all day long......that's how come!

    Hmm, he must have some of that fruit that Lot was sneaking around with. The way I see it, the food of everlasting life(tm) is the twinkie. With the amout of preservatives in those, you don't need to munch from the tree of life to live forever.

  • Schizm
    Actually the WTS does not say that eating literally from the "tree of life" was necessary for living forever.--Blondie.

    That's because it hasn't dawned on the WTS yet. There are a number of things that the WTS has yet to get straight, and this bit about needing to literally eat from the tree of life is but one of those things.

    *** it-2 p. 247 Life ***
    When Adam was created, God placed in the garden of Eden "the tree of life." (Ge 2:9) This tree evidently had no intrinsic life-giving qualities in its fruit, but it represented God’s guarantee of life "to time indefinite" to the one whom God would allow to eat of its fruit

    "Evidently had no intrinsic life-giving qualities in its fruit"??? It would've been nice if the author of that statement had furnished the "evidence" referenced. The fact is that there isn't any such evidence that can be offered to support such a claim.

    *** w99 4/15 p. 8 Is Everlasting Life Really Possible? ***
    One Bible scholar speculated: "The tree of life must have had some virtue by which the human frame was to be kept free from the decrepitude of age, or the decay that terminates in death." He even claimed that "there was an herbal virtue in paradise capable of counteracting the effects" of aging. However, the Bible does not say that the tree of life in itself had life-giving qualities. Rather, that tree simply represented God’s guarantee of everlasting life to the one who would be allowed to eat its fruit.

    There the person goes again! LOL My guess is that both references were probably authored by the same writer.

    Thanks, Blondie, for the research you did on this.


  • Schizm
    Was the comment made before his exodus or after ? -- oldflame.

    It was made after Franz left.

    Here's the article where the comment appears:


  • gumby


    Funkyderek answered the moron back on page don't let this dumb little fella fool ya.

    You took issue with the claim that God "did not discuss [Adam and Eve's] eternal future if they obeyed". You claimed it was "outrageously unreasonable", in fact the most unreasonable thing you had ever heard. Obviously then, unless you're a liar or an idiot you believe God did discuss what Adam and Eve's future would be if they obeyed. I don't recall any such discussion in the Bible so I asked you to point it out. I'd still like you to do so if you don't think that's unreasonable.
  • Schizm

    The above is actually a fake photo of Gumby, in case any of you have been fooled by him.

    The photo below is really him, without the disguise. And, as usual, he can't keep his mouth shut!

    "I've been asking why I'm here most of my life"


  • Satanus

    I heard that gumy is invisable, and whenever he does anything, he does it through a computer, kind of like how whenever jehovah does anything he does it through people. That way, just like w jehovah, you never really have definite proof that he really exists. All those pics of gumby are different from each other. Guess why, cuz noone has ever really seen him. I think i'm gonna become an agumbeist.


  • Schizm
    All those pics of gumby are different from each other. Guess why, cuz noone has ever really seen him.


    I've seen photos that were taken of him that someone posted here on this forum. Matter of fact, I copied one of them and made a joke thread about him. All went well ............ until Gumby found out that I was the one who posted his picture. He about blew a head gasket, and went crying to the moderators to get his photo removed from the thread I started. Poor sick bastard!


  • gumby
    I think i'm gonna become an agumbeist.

    Good! That's two now who want to join. It'll cost about $5,000 bucks to join though. We use ganja to find god and even if we don't find him....we laugh our hinnies off lookin. You can pass the's just like handling the microphones.

    Schizm.....I've never worn that hat in my life! You got that tricky photo thingy, doncha?


  • Rabbit

    OK..the Great Gumblina is REAL. The Rabbit you see on the left has met the surfing dude guy -- we smoked a peace pipe. (that's what he said anyway)

    He does exist, so there !

    O' Divisions...when are you going to answer the yellow questions ?


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