Can JW beliefs contribute to suicide?

by TD 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat
    specifically the belief that there is this 'unforgivable sin' which can cause God to completely turn his back on you forever.

    flower, I guess this never bothered me. I had already been disfellowshipped, so I was on Jehovah's $#!+ list as it was. That and the fact that JWs teach that once you're dead, you're dead, so what was there to fear, but release from Life's hardships? Suicide was a viable option to me. If it was the unforgive-able sin, then what was there to lose if I was already DFed?

    I have a lot of sympathy for anyone who commits suicide. It is done out of desperation or lack of where-with-all in how to handle whatever is ailing them. But I also realize today, that suicide is a very permanent answer to a very temporary problem - whatever those problems might be. I really don't ever see myself getting so depressed that I would attempt again. I have tools and a mind-set now that I didn't have even just a few years ago.

  • Ingenuous

    I think the emphasis on works and unrealistic standards can play havoc with mental health, especially with someone who is already very sensitive or predisposed to being a type A.

    I was suicidal starting at a very young age (elementary school) and on-and-off until my mid-20s. It'd never occur to me now that I'm out.

  • joanne_

    I do believe they do. I have a close friend who has gone back into the religion and he feels that sometimes death would be much easier and better. He quotes the scripture 'in the blink of an eye.....' (cannot remember the whole thing), but along the lines, that been dead would not be bad and in no time you are in the new system.

    The witnesses get so tired, worn out, discouraged from the world...they are just aching for that new system.


  • Honesty

    Given the fact that the entire WT/JW belief system and doctrines are based on scriptures that have been taken out of context and/or twisted, yes they can't help but contribute to disturbances in the mind and heart that can result in suicide.

  • Jankyn

    Yes, I agree with the posters who say that JW beliefs make death an option in a way that it isn't for other religions.

    First, the point that people who die unbaptized will be resurrected after Armageddon. I obsessed on this as a child, especially after my dad was df'd, because I knew I'd never make it through Armageddon and I feared baptism, since I was sure I'd only fall short and be df'd. The only way for me to get to Paradise was to die before the big A, so I started contemplating suicide before I finished the 4th grade. (Just in case there are any doubters: a gifted, sensitive child and a controlling, abusive cult-bound family are not a good mix.)

    Second, the idea that death is nothing but a dreamless sleep. For those of us who've suffered depression, this concept is actually comforting. My suicide attempts were less about dying and more about no longer wanting to live in pain. The idea of a dreamless sleep was the exact form of oblivion I was seeking through drugs and alcohol.

    I'm just grateful that somebody offered me a way to live without pain that didn't involve self-destruction (you know, 12 steps, lots of therapy, support from loved ones).

    As for suicide being unforgiveable, the word in our congregation (where there were a number of depressed persons who took their own lives in the late 70s) was that Jehovah would take into consideration their mental illness when judging them. Sort of a "get out of Armageddon free" card.

    Jankyn, glad to be here after all these years class

  • flower

    I was 16 the first time I attempted to do it and I can still quite vividly remember my thoughts and feelings at the time. I thought God hated me and would never love me because I was evil. Even though I didnt do evil things and I tried to do the 'right' things I thought that since God could read our hearts and minds he must know better than me and if he thinks I'm evil then I must be. I cant remember what specifically brought me to the conclusion that God hated me and thought me evil except that it was drilled into my head all the time at home and at the hall that this or that is pleasing to Jehovah or this is displeasing, this makes Jehovahs heart rejoice or that makes Jehovah angry. I felt like my every move was being scrutinized. If I told a white lie about having my homework finished or ate a piece of birthday cake at school or didnt study my watchtower I would beat myself up internally for days and each time I was sure that Jehovah hated me a little bit more. And it was hard being different in high school. One day I remember someone at school asking me if I was one of those 'jehovahs' and I was so embarrased I said 'no way, are you kidding hahaha'. The guilt and depression that followed was one of my worst episodes. I didnt think there could be any worse sin in the world than renouncing jehovah. It wasnt long after that I swallowed my first bunch of pills.

    The second attempt, I was like you Billygoat, well I wasnt formally df'd but I was not really going anymore anyway so there was no point in prolonging the inevitable death at Armageddon. I used to have nightmares of Armageddon coming while I was living with my parents and having my family stand there and watching while I was burning to death or being attacked by raining balls of fiery lava. I used to be jumpy all the time waiting for my big death at Armageddon. It was all I could think about for a while. I lived near an airforce base and everytime one of those big jet fighters would fly overhead with their loud noise I would brace myself and say a little prayer for Jehovah to make it quick and painless.

    Yea I'd say the jw beliefs can most definately lead to suicide. They sure did a number on me. And while I cant imagine myself ever feeling so low I would contemplate suicide again, I can also understand what drives people to it and I have all the sympathy in the world for them because I can still remember the feelings and thoughts that accompany the action.

  • S3RAPH1M

    "leaving her troubles behind and jumping into paradise" wtf!?!?!? Years ago one of my Bible Studies expressed the same idea to me, I convinced him that's not the way, but the sentiments are definitely there in the organization.

  • Quirky1

    Since leaving I have gained a lot of ground mentally. Until just a few months ago I was very depressed for several years. I have never been depressed prior to becoming a JW. Now looking back I blame it on being a JW. So, I strongly beleive that being a JW contributes to depression in many cases. Possibly linked to suicidal tendencies.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Can JW beliefs contribute to suicide?

    Unfortunately yes there were 3 young teens in my town that were jws that committed suicide, this was during the 1970's when all the

    hype and anxiety was prevalent about the impending Armageddon.

    For most people going through puberty its a time of insecurity and perhaps depression, add this to a fearful depression that perhaps all of your friends

    and class mates at school are probably all going to be killed soon and you have yourself a psychologically troubled mind.

    Its depressing in itself when you think that all this occurred because of some corrupt businessmen playing god games and making a lot of money from it !

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    TD, I agree wholeheartedly with your premise that JW beliefs can contribute to suicide, and would expand that to include filicide (murder of one's children) or spousal murder.

    A few years ago we had the case of Christian Longo, (raised JW, loser, crook, disfellowshipped) who murdered his entire family. Also the cases of the Bryant family of McMinnville, Oregon, and the suicide by self-decapitation of a young JW man in a Woodinville, Washington Kindgom Hall parking lot.

    This is another of the Watchtower's dirty little secrets.

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