A Bethel Memory #3 - Hey, let's welcome the new guy by maiming him!

by LivingTheDream 26 Replies latest members private

  • LivingTheDream

    Hey, let's welcome the new guy by maiming him!

    I was a young man at Bethel about 30 years ago, back in the early 80's. Newly arrived and a bit scared as I was never away from my home before, I was assigned to work in the factory. My duties were mundane and I was getting used to the food, the walking, New York City, the culture, plus the intense schedule all Bethelites were under. I remember falling asleep exhausted my first few weeks and even though they fed me well, I actually lost weight at first until I could accustom myself to everything.

    On top of everything else, I had a pretty faithful work out routine and was a pretty good size myself. There were some monsters at Bethel at that time and the biggest guy of all was actually a real sweetheart. It was the not-so-big guys that had something to prove.

    One day in the factory I was taking a break and it was late in the day and I was tired. I didn't know many people then as I was still new. Well, four of the guys in my locker room approached me. They were laughing and joking with each other and they started talking to me. At first, it was small talk like "where you from", "why'd you come here", etc. But something told me they were not there to talk to me as they had pretty much ignored me the first week or so and were, even now, kind of standing away from me. Something felt wrong.

    Then, the conversation took this turn:

    Muscular black dude #1 in a ripped T-shirt: So, you work out?

    Me: Yeah.

    Talk lanky black dude #2, big thick glasses: How much you bench?

    Me: Oh, pushing for 300 now, probably around 290. I can reverse bench 250.

    Little ugly guy with buck teeth #3: No way. You lie. Prove it.

    Me: OK. Come to the gym with me this weekend and we'll see. Let's see what you bench.

    Medium sized white dude #4: Well, we could all get a work-out right here if we want to right boys?... [grinning...]

    Dude #1: Yeah, how about we do some "power lifts" guys? Hee hee.

    Dude #2: Yeah. hee hee. "Power lifts".

    Dude #3: Sounds good!

    Me: What? Power lifts?

    Dude #1: Yeah, you see, we like to 'nitiate the new guys here by "power lifting" them into that trash bin over there!

    Dudes #2, #3 and #4: HaHaHaHa. yeah. power lifting! hee hee. let's do it.

    Me: Whaa?

    Dude #2: Yes, you didn't hear about our initiations? You haven't been initiated yet. To be one of "us". You gonna get dumped.

    Me: What? You're going to drop me into that 6 foot tall bin over there? It's empty. I could get hurt.

    Dude #3. Oh well, twist like a cat.. make sure you land on your feet... [stupid looking bucked-tooth grin]

    Me: [incredulous] Gulp.

    Now all four of them start coming closer to me, all with an evil look in their eyes, chuckling.

    Me: [trying to barter with them] Look guys. I'm here at Gods House doing His work, you shouldn't be hazing brothers like this. This isn't right.

    They come closer, look more menacing...

    Me: [Changing from scared to angry, fight mode full on] OK, here's the deal assholes! I have no doubt the four of you together can probably over power me and maybe get me into that trash can, but I swear to you this: the first one of you that touches me is going to get my full fury. I'll break his freaking face wide open, break his arm, break his neck if I have to. The other three of you will have to pry me off that guy and have to get his eyeballs back from my hands. [wild eyed, probably looking a bit crazy right now, huffing and puffing]

    They all stop. They stop smiling too. Look at each other.

    Me: [seething] Well, who's it gonna be?

    Them - no particular order: Aw man, we're just joking. Yeah, dude, chill. Hey boy, you're alright. HaHa, man were you mad! Ooh, this boy's an animal. Whooie, I like this guy!

    ...and so on.

    They slapped my back, told me I was "one bad boy" and welcomed me to Bethel.

    Nice place.

    To this day I don't know if they really were going to do that to me or not. I had heard about hazing before I got there, but somehow had never imagined I would be a victim. I guess because I was a little on the buff side and people generally didn't mess with me, it didn't seem possible. All I know is that I had never been manaced like that before in my life and never was again since. Only in Gods House had I been treated like that and on my first days there.

    I hate that memory and even though later I became sort of friends with these guys (not sure why, self preservation I guess) I never forgot it and never really looked at Bethel the same way again. It was a shame, they took my innocence away from me about the spiritual paradise on my first days at Bethel and after that I was on the lookout for more assholes.

    Found them too.


  • BabaYaga


    Spiritual paradise just gets creepier all the time.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Yeah, and I'm Santa Claus.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    they would have. I've heard stories... they also may have been seeing if you were gay

  • miseryloveselders

    Its funny in life that you have to show people you're teeth in order to put the fear of God into them, even in the so called house of God. My pop always said if you let a dog get too close to your face, he'll lick you. The lesson in that is you don't let a dog get too close to lick you. There's nothing quite as effective when dealing with bullies, as threatening to beat the s#$# out of them. The only thing as effective and even more effective is actually acting upon those threats. Greatest feeling in the world as a youth, second to girls, is smacking the snot out of somebody who's out of pocket. Its a beautiful thing. I shouldn't be surprised you had to deal with that Bethel, but I have to admit its somewhat shocking. I guess any scenario containing young men full of supressed testosterone, and egos, you'll have that. Wow, you have me reminiscing upon the days I was suspended or in detention from fighting......ahhh the good days before all these responsibilities, morals, rights and wrongs....things were simpler then.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    That's interesting, were they able to see 30 years into the future and use the idiom of the future? "Yeah, dude, chill." Sounds kinda funky there dude.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Wasanelder - it is almost expected that when someone recounts a memory especially a trauma present day speach is used... nothing funky.

  • wasblind

    I know that for most colleges in the state of North Carolina Hazing

    is a no no punishable by expulsion and the Frat or Sorority will no

    longer be able to operate at the school.

    you mean to tell us that they threatened to Haze in the Holy land

    and in the devils playground (college) they forbid it ?

    By their fruits you shall know them.

  • LivingTheDream


    Check out this site to see a list of 70s slang. Notice these terms were in use even then, well before the 80s I was living in then: http://www.inthe70s.com/generated/terms.shtml

    Both Dude and Chill are actually very old terms by the way, maybe even before the 70s, probably starting in the 60's for dude and Chill Out was a BeBop term from the 20s.

    We used them at Bethel I assure you.

    They used other terms and idioms I had never heard of before like "Make my jaws tight" (get mad) "GSBs" (Gum Smacking Broads of New York area) and "How you feeling?" meaning "how are you?".

    I will say this though, any stories I tell on this site I will not claim are verbatim word for word because it's impossible to do that. But, I try to describe it as nearly as possible as I can so you can get the feelings and context of the moment. The anonymity of this site allows me to even tell not so flattering things about myself and to be as honest as I can on all accounts. So, for the record, in the future it is possible for me to recreate the conversations using words that were not exactly as spoken and mix up dates or names, whatever, but it is inadvertant if I do that and is not germane to the topic.

    I have no reason to mislead anyone because my main purpose of telling these stories is that I'm trying to get this stuff off my chest. It won't help me if I lie.


  • watson

    Awe shoot Living, Was is just welcoming you aboard...

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