Exciting announcements at service meeting

by truthseeker 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    We've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.

    The brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of Jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the Annual Meeting.

    An elder giving a service meeting part review of different Watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.

    He asks: "When is the sealing of the anounted ones?"

    Elder answers: "There is no specific date"

    Later after the meeting, I asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.

    He answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation Jesus spoke of in a future 2008 Watchtower.

    The new light on the 1935 doctrine, which is supposedly the cutoff date for persons claiming to be of the anointed, now puts the JW's on par with Christendom.

    Going to heaven won't be such a big deal anymore.

    They will have to change their understanding of the 144,000 so it is a symbolic rather than a literal number.

    the new light concerning the generation which now represents all the anointed ones on earth right now, and during the tribulation, shortens the perceived "last days", however it could

    also indefinitely extend the generation due to the fact that young ones can now claim a heavenly hope.

    I asked an elder if a person coming into the truth could claim to have the heavenly calling and he said "we cannot judge."

    There are big changes afoot, but as someone said here recently, they act with hindsight not insight.

    It is clear that they are finding ways to buy time to legitimize their existence as the "faithful and discreet slave."

  • prophecor

    Amaxing, and frightening, as well. This will send all number of feathers flying as there's certain to be a rush for the bread and wine at the next memorial. Geeze, now anybody can be one of the chosen few.

  • marmot

    I still can't see how the 1935 thing could be "new light" though, since there has been a member of the governing body for some time now who was born AFTER that (David Splane).

  • Saoirse
    Later after the meeting, I asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven. He answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation Jesus spoke of in a future 2008 Watchtower.

    This is hilarious. My husband and I are now Christians and my mother-in-law recently asked us what we believe will happen to us when we die (since we no longer attend the Kingdom Hall). He told her that we believe that we are going to Heaven. Of course, she responded with a gasp and eye-rolls.

    I wish I could see the look on her face when they make this announcement at her hall. Maybe we should call her and tell her that we've seen the light and now realize that we are of the Anointed. ;)

  • truthseeker

    It's true that younger GB members are of the anointed BUT

    Getting rid of the 1935 date allows those who feel they have a heavenly hope to publicly declare it - if they dare.

    It may prompt others to switch their calling.

  • neverendingjourney
    still can't see how the 1935 thing could be "new light" though, since there has been a member of the governing body for some time now who was born AFTER that (David Splane).

    It was assumed that these men were replacements for those pre-1935 anointed that had "fallen out of the truth." Fred Franz was very adamant that the calling of the anointed had ended in 1935. Post-1935 anointed were just replacements. This new light allows for virtually anyone to claim to be of the anointed without having to be considered a replacement for a previous pre-1935 anointed that "was lead astray." Presumably, all of the 144,000 anointed have not yet been gathered, that is until some more new light comes out.

  • truthseeker

    Neverendingjourney, that's right - newer anointed ones were considered replacements.
    With the 1935 date gone, at some point it would be obvious that the number 144,000 has already been reached and exceeded (if it didn't already happen in the first century), hence the
    reason that they might declare 144,000 as a symbolic number.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    It may prompt others to switch their calling.


    Maybe I should anoint myself until I'm able to leave.

    Lore - W hat .W ould .S atan .D o ?

  • Kudra

    I think that they are going to get rid of the paradise earth scenario and all JWs will be "anointed" and everyone will go to heaven.

    That's the only way they can deal with the changing date of Armageddon... maybe.

    ugh. "hindsight, not foresight." you got that right!

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I think this opens the way for an international disfellowshipping party at the next memorial. Imagine if all the d'f'ed people show up and drink the wine and eat the bread! And then go outside for a smoke in the parking lot . . .

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