God can't be God when there is nothing...So Man rescued him!

by Terry 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    BEFORE God began creating...there was nothing.

    When there is nothing that means there is nothing to know....and therefore nothing to LOVE.

    God was alone with nothing to distinguish Him from nothingness!

    What? A "mind"?

    Filled with what, actually?

    Knowledge of the nothing?

    God wasn't anyplace. There was no place that existed.

    To exist you must exist some place. To be alive you must think....of something!

    You must DO something.

    There was an eternity of nothing stretching in all "directions" and nobody and nothing to do anything with.

    God wasn't doing anything with anybody.

    God could not be ALL-KNOWING (there was nothing to know).

    God could not be ALL-POWERFUL (nothing over which to exert power).

    God could not be JUST (no wrongs to right).

    God could not be WISE with nothing to be wise about.


    In what sense could GOD actually EXIST?

    To exist you must BE something rather than nothing.

    How was God distinguishable from nothing?

    God would have no attributes, identity or context.

    A God of Love with nothing to love? A God of wisdom with nothing to actually know?

    Consequently, only in the mind of MAN can God find context and omniscience, power, etc.


  • superpunk

    *head explodes*

  • sabastious

    Maybe before God created the universe he existed outside of our existence in an entirely different existence. No universe no matter, no light, no gravity, nothing that we can relate to or even understand.


  • sabastious

    Man invented many different fake God's, but that doesn't disprove creation entirely, but you know this.


  • sabastious

    There must be things somewhere within all existence(s) that humans just simply cannot fathom.

    There is no way a fly could ever understand Radio Waves. Therefore to flies radio waves simply do not exist. I think it's logically impossible for us NOT to be unaware of things that escape our consciousness in the same way radio waves escape the consciousness of flies.


  • Terry

    Maybe before God created the universe he existed outside of our existence in an entirely different existence. No universe no matter, no light, no gravity, nothing that we can relate to or even understand.


    See how easy it is to imagine a nice place for "God" to exist using your own mind?

    This is how it works.

    That's how we got this meme in the first place!

    Existence exists. To exist you must BE something.

    To be something you must have thoughts about something and be somewhere.

    The human mind can write science fiction in which crazy things happen. It is called fiction for a reason. It matches no reality!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Superpunk: *head explodes*

    I liked this comment and tried to google the phrase for a funny pic to enhance it...That wasn't such a good idea

  • sabastious
    See how easy it is to imagine a nice place for "God" to exist using your own mind?

    What's your point? Should we deny the existence of a creator because people make up whacky ones?

    Lets rebuke the fake God's and live out our lives the way we see fit and if God wants to show himself then he will... if not I think he has a reason/purpose for it, you know?

    I don't give any attributes to my Creator because I know that I am not in a position to.


  • BurnTheShips
    BEFORE God began creating...there was nothing.
    When there is nothing that means there is nothing to know....and therefore nothing to LOVE.
    God wasn't doing anything with anybody.

    Christians believe in a Trinitarian God. There was love in the different persons in the Godhead. Within God, there was relationship. And besides, perhaps before the creation, everything and nothing didn't have the distinctions which our own finite minds often conceive them to be.

    You must DO something.

    God was doing something, being God. God was complete in and of himself, and not needing to do something as we might suppose would be necessary for us.

    God could not be ALL-KNOWING (there was nothing to know).
    God could not be WISE with nothing to be wise about.

    God was cognizant of God, which is the source of all that we, even now, consider to be wisdom, since all these things originated in God.

    There was an eternity of nothing stretching in all "directions" and nobody and nothing to do anything with.

    Time began with creation. God exists in Eternity.

    Eternity means absence of time in Christian theology, so there is no "stretch." God did not exist for a long time. There was no stretch of time. There is no past, and no future.

    Time came to be with the creation of the world.

    Even now, however, eternity is the state of God. Our own time is not linear to God who is outside time, so that every moment of time from the beginning to the end of the world is as immediately present to him as the present instant is present to us. As for us, with all of our learning, we still cannot truly grasp what time actually is.

    God would have no attributes, identity or context.

    To borrow from Aquinas: God has no attributes, he is those attributes. He does not possess, he IS. God is the "I AM."

    Before Abraham was, I AM

    So there you go. Classical Christian theology does not have these issues you raise.



  • PSacramento

    Man didn't inventd God, man invented HOW to express God.

    Sometimes his expression was good, other times it sucked the sweat of a dead man's balls, but most of the time it was just that, his expression of God.

    Since the beginning of Man, Man has seemed to look for more than just "exisiting" and that is a good thing.

    It seems that the growth of culture and civilization and man's search for God have followed the same path, hard to tell which begot the other.

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