God can't be God when there is nothing...So Man rescued him!

by Terry 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    FYI: In the course of discussion or debate words are used which require context and definition.

    The fact that other definitions exist other than the exact one being used in the discussion means nothing at all.

    I have defined exactly the way I am using paradox leaving no doubt as to my application.

    Pardox: (as used in my statements) A statement which contradicts itself.

    Is that crystal enough?

    Liar paradox: "This sentence is false." This is the canonical self-referential paradox. Also "Is the answer to this question no?" And "I'm lying."

    • Card paradox: "The next statement is true. The previous statement is false." A variant of the liar paradox that does not use self-reference.
    • The Pinocchio paradox: What would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will be growing"? [ 1 ]
  • PSacramento

    Terry, you guys are arguing definitions now.

    I don't think that was the point of your thread, was it?

  • BurnTheShips

    It's how he always gets when backed into a corner.

    He redefines terms to mean what he wants them to mean.

    He has done it with "thing", and now with "paradox."

    (and his last post on "pardox" is nothing but specious sophistry)

    The fact is, apparently contradictory things can all be true, but that is because we haven't figured out how they are not contradictory.


  • Terry

    Terry, you guys are arguing definitions now.

    I don't think that was the point of your thread, was it?

    You are right.

    Clarity is one thing, but, microscopic clarity is unnecessary.

    BTS is nitpicking the atomic particles in my syntax rather than simply offering a discussion and I shouldn't fall for it so easily. Sigh.


    Looking at Terry's original post, it seems that God needs man, to be active as God. We cannot push without something to push against. We cannot pull without an opposing force to resist.

    The whole universe is a series of negative and positive forces. For God to be a force he/she needs an opposing challenge. Perhaps mankind's need to find balance and purpose in its existence, created the opposing force - the concept of God? No doubt it will all come out in the wash.

  • PSacramento

    I don't think I have any issue with the notion that God "needs" Us like we "need" him.

  • BurnTheShips
    I don't think I have any issue with the notion that God "needs" Us like we "need" him.

    I think I can agree with this. There are examples in Christian literature.

    What if Mary had told the Angel Gabriel "no"?

    And even Jesus needed a man to help him carry the Cross so that he could complete his work.


  • Terry

    Imagine being the last man on Earth standing all by yourself shouting as loudly as you can:


    Pretty silly....pretty stupid....pretty sad, no?

    That is the portrait of the traditional God BEFORE creation floating in an endless sea of nothing.

    My point is that Man (read: most men) seem to NEED for there to be a Creator whom they call God and whom they puff up to gigantic proportions with all sorts of superlatives. All-Powerful....All-Knowing...Supreme Being..etc.

    So, like pinning the tail on the donkey...they blindfoldedly jab this entity into space right at the beginning of everything. (Yes, they are assuming there was a beginning of everything that needed a PERSON to start it...)

    DONE! Mission accomplished!

    Smugly complacent, these "there-must-be-a-god" people go about their everyday lives happy as a clam. They've got what they need to believe in.

    But, in my initial statement on this Topic I tried to ASSUME the initial conditions for this "God" just before that mythical moment of creation and examine what was impossible about it.

    At least the last man on Earth standing alone shouting his credentials has somewhere and something rather than nowhere and nothing.

    Pathetically, being God of nothing isn't much of a credential.

    Eternity is open-ended.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Pathetically, being God of nothing isn't much of a credential.

    People, what have you done? Locked him in his golden cage (golden cage) Made him bend to your religion Him resurrected from the grave (from the grave) He is the god of nothing if that's all that you can see You are the god of everything, he's inside you and me So lean upon him gently and don't call on him to save ~Ian Anderson

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