Is this new donation arrangement for real?

by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher


    Tear this page out of your Proclaimers Book - it's 'old light'!

    PROCLAIMERS BOOK chap. 21 p. 341 - "There are no emotional appeals for funds in their congregations or at their conventions......... not tithe, nor are they under obligation to give any other contribution of a specified amount or at a particular time." (Matt. 5:17; Rom. 7:6; Col. 2:13,14)

  • TTATTelder


    I agree with what you are saying... I will add this though... The anonymous survey (guilt-tripped obligation) is already reality or will be shortly in thousands of congregations.

    Add this...There are already ways to make donations through either one time or recurring. These donations are made with credit/debit card so obviously include name/address etc.

    I again agree it it quite a leap from where we are to - tax return auditing - but you can see the road the org is creeping down.

    You have to wonder what the next step down this road is, and where it will end up.


    Maybe future surveys are not anonymous? Maybe future donating is not anonymous?

    Digital donating is already in place online and at conventions. Surely it will pop up at the hall at some point. The anonymity of donating is already fading.

    Could we see digital-only donating at some point? They could say that it is safer to not have the brothers handling cash.


    Just speculating, but its not hard to imagine a day when the elders know exactly who donated and how much and whether it matches their "pledge".

    Back-Door Tithing is on the horizon...

  • TTATTelder

    good one searcher...

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    The KH i attended had several congregations and one was Spanish-speaking. Shortly before getting the hell out of there forever, i heard from an elder's wife that there was a lot of arguing in elders' meetings about people in the Spanish congregation in severe need. The Spanish-speaking elders wanted to know why they could not withdraw some funds from the money that was being saved for building a new KH, and help the friends who were desperate. At the time there was close to a million in the account, sitting there helping nobody. Of course those elders knew better than to think they could withdraw money from an account like that.

    This is all hearsay. But made me think at the time, WHY am i supporting an outfit who only wants to build to attract new people, and won't help the people they've already got, who contributed the money in the first place.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    QB: I didn't read in that letter that cong's that is holding large balances are to collapse these and send it into the Society. Most of these funds are in their Maintenace Acct's for maintenance needs.


    It's not discussed in this letter but WT does demand that congregations keep only minimal funds with the cong. The rest goes to HQ:



  • leaving_quietly

    I agree with others' comments that the R&F won't bat an eyelash at this and will actually think this is a good thing. On the surface, it is. After all, for poorer congregations, they can get a remodel done essentially for free. However, the letter has this sentence that is worth noting:

    From now on, all funding for approved projects will be provided by the branch office from the funds that have been donated by you dear brothers and sisters.

    There is a huge implication here. No congregation will be able to do a renovation, repair (beyond minor), or upgrade without express approval by the branch. Carpet needs to be replaced? Expect a year or more of red tape to get that approved. It took our cong. almost three years to finally get the RBC involved with our remodel. What we really needed was new carpeting. The rest was just nice-to-haves. Spent tens of thousands more on a major remodel when we could have spent less than $10,000 to get new carpeting. It was a waste, and it was several years of begging to get approval.

    Because the funding is coming from the branch, that means the branch must approve the project. Thus the phrase, "approved projects". Too bad if you think it's important and the branch doesn't. Want a new sound system because yours sucks? Too bad. Not important enough. 13,000 other projects ahead of you. (Yes, I'm being facetious, but this is what I envision.)

    Just remember the golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.

    Is this a money grab? That remains to be seen. Is it a CONTROL grab? MOST DEFINITELY.


    It's a sad state of affairs, whatever they do. I had an long-time Ex-Elder friend [ removed] call me last night. He was talking about taking meds for depression because his work was slow. It's Satan's world after all. He was so frustrated that he raised all his kids, and now that they have moved out, he can't pay the bills. His wife has to work too!! Oh!! Satan!! At the same time he was thrilled to death to shake hands with Brother Bethel speaker, should have seen the line to meet him!!

    His story is not rare. There are many JWs in sore straights, financially. Why?? Because of SATAN?!?! No, becuase they chose certain employment based on the WTBTS's false promises. Now they are getting up there, 50 and over are really being focused on by the GB! Why?? Because there are so many!! So many JWs chose work, and turned down work, all based of of the WTBTS's propoganda. NOW they are expected to contribute more?? [ If the WTBTS get's more controlling, that is.]

    They have caused this mess because of their insane doctrines. I don't see as many Mormons crying about SATAN's world, do you?? I don't see Mormons driving themselves to drinking or meds because the END isn't here...


  • bsmart

    I recall my dad speaking of a neighbor having someone from their church come to "help" them decide how much to pledge. This was in the 50's or 60's. I know this is not done now because it didn't work.

    Do you think an oldtimer will remember those days before they became a witness and make the connection?

  • baltar447

    I recall once seeing some tithing/pledge cards for some church. I was disgusted by it. And yet I didn't make much of a connection when they later passed a KH hall fund and ASS hall fund slips around. The brainwashing runs deep when you're in it.

  • TTATTelder

    Basically its been big business selling "the end".

    That product isn't selling anymore (as far as bringing in people), but they have a flock already that is socially and emotionally dependent on the organization that "need" a place to worship.

    Why not try to monetize that more with a devised income stream of pledged payments from each publisher. In other words, if you want us to keep babysitting you, telling you what to think, what to do with your life, and spanking you when you're bad then you are going to have to pay $$$ for it.

    Congs with paid for halls will be reminded that it isn't "their" hall. So pony up your lease/franchise fee.

    This is obviously to bring in more money. They will sell it as "better for the friends."

    There will never be an accounting of the funds made publicly available.

    The GB will siphon off/set aside whatever millions they see fit to comfortably provide for themselves for decades regardless of the ultimate fate of the org.

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