Defending homosexuality as NOT a choice -

by AK - Jeff 99 Replies latest members adult

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    This is directed mostly toward those here who will not turn it into a firefight. Though, if it turns to one, that may also aid my argument.

    I am discussing with a young woman whom I have known for several years now [a devout, home-schooled, Christian] the matter of gay/lesbian choice. Her viewpoint [based on the Bible of course] is that homosexuality is 'chosen', is an abomination, and endangers ones relationship with God.

    My opinion [as a humanist and atheist] is that homosexuality could be chosen by some, but that many, if not most, gay people are not making a choice in the matter, but are compelled by either genetics or influenced by psychological impact from childhood.

    That's the gist of the argument. She challenged my view, then backed off of further discussion for several weeks. She has now replied - and while I find her arguments very weak, and indeed filled with fantastic acceptance of the Bible as basis - I would like to make intelligent reply to her. I have in mind what to say in rebuttal of her arguments, but I want to be careful not to insult her, as she is a friend. At the same time, I do not wish to ignore her ignorance in the matter.

    Below is the portion of her arguments that I would like to address specifically in Bold Blue:

    ? In Leviticus 18 God plainly lays out what He considers immoral relations (If you have a Bible available I would suggest you look it up for yourself. See if I am stating what it says. If you do not have one, I could easily get one for you) and more specifically in verse 22 He says: “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Later on in Leviticus 20 He again states the immoralities and in verse 13 reiterates: “If there is a man who lies with a make as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.”

    4)Demonstrate Compassion---Jesus’ Chief Attribute – I hope I do just this for every lesbian and homosexual I meet. Although I have had little opportunities except with the family I have mentioned. The parable of the unforgiving servant is not forgotten. There are those that claim to be Christians that do bash the gays. I agree with Blake, we must remember that we were forgiven for our other sinful deeds too. However, as I was browsing and skimming his web site I read his basic viewpoint: "What I would like so much to see is, first, that our church members understand what homosexuality really is and the difference between the condition and the behavior. My second wish is that our children, while they are young, understand that being a homosexual is not a sin -- it's a handicap that God can help them live with.”

    I am sad to say that he is wrong here. This is the nitty-gritty: homosexuality is a sin. The verses I gave above found in the Old Testament point to that. It is also found in the New Testament. And I cannot deny it is like any other sin. It is not less or more a sin, it is the same as any other and we cannot claim to get God’s goodness with sin:

    “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate nor homosexuals, nor thieves nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.”
    --1 Corinthians 6:9-10

    What does this mean then? As a follower of God, we cannot pick and choose what we want, we must deny ourselves: “And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.’” –Luke 9:23-24

    So why do I believe it is a choice to be gay or lesbian? In Romans Chapter 1:18-32 it talks on how God lets us decide to do wrong even though we know we know His wrath against our sin. God’s way has been revealed to us, it is up to us to follow:

    “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the World His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse……For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper……” –Romans 1:18-28

    Thoughts? I find it increasingly difficult to organize arguments against those who use the Bible as their sole weapon, having seen it so repeatedly demonstrated to be false and foolish and full of insanity and drivel [often so strongly reinforced by Christians on this site and others who blindly defend it]. In addition, I am aware of the fact that for those who wish to believe in fairy-tales and fantasy [religious people], it is akin to arguing with Jw's - impossible to battle close-mindedness [especially if that close-mindedness is thought to bring everlasting bliss if they keep it closed]. SO in many ways it seems as if the best course is to just let these ignorant people alone. But, I am glad that my ignorance was shattered a few years ago, and wish it had happened much sooner. Torn...


  • bohm

    1) Establish if homosexuals feel the same for their own sex as she does for the other.

    2) Establish if "by choice" she mean simply abstaining from being homosexual.

    3) Establish if this is as hard for a homosexual to do as it would be for her to be without men.

    there is really very little to do.. the bible is fairly clear on the issue, and if she take the bible as the only legit source of guidance...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx bohm. Yes that was the conversation that started the discussion - that homosexuals feel the same attraction to the same sex that most feel for the opposite sex. You are correct - she mentions in her letter that she has 'family' that is gay. I should ask her to ask them if they think it a choice.


  • llbh

    We have moved on in so many ways since the days of the Bible, to be respectful is very important, i try and and approach it from whether they believe racism and misogyny are innately wrong - which most people do not, then I would say should a person have thier sexuality subsumed or denied to them because of an edict from long ago? Would they want to have thier sex live denied to them?

    I agree that reasoning with such people though is very difficult.


  • ThomasCovenant

    The Bible is God's Word.

    The Bible says it is an abomination.

    God is very concerned with abominations.

    What is there to argue about?

  • Heaven

    Perhaps it is time to establish with this person that the Bible is NOT the inerrant word of God. Have her compare the gospels of Mark and John regarding the accounts of Christ's death and resurrection. The glaring contradictions here show the Bible is not the greatest source for accuracy. Ask her for sources outside of the Bible.

  • chickpea

    the documentary "for the bible tells me so" has comments
    from several theologians who make arguments for a new
    understanding of homosexuality with modern explanations
    for the mainstay arguments of the vestigial hold-outs who
    want to insist that orientation and gender identity are
    somehow based on an insistent disregard for their
    "choices" in religious adherence

    (note: although i am more than willing to bet HEAVILY
    they eat abominable foods without a second thought
    and i also bet they are lacking in adherence to the
    demand of animal slaughter to appease their god
    with the pleasant odor of charring animal fat.... eh?)

    one thought brought out was that the use of the term
    "abomination" referred to a willful act of practicing an
    activity that had been forbidden ... an act forbidden
    because it served to separate "peoples", one culture
    from another.... "ew, that is something only those
    filthy yahoos practice!!"

    Genesis 43:32 They served him by himself, and them by themselves, and the Egyptians who ate with him by themselves, because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews, for that is an abomination to the Egyptians

    Genesis 46:34 you shall say, 'Your servants have been keepers of cattle from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers,' in order that you may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians

    let us not forget the abominable fictious 4 legged insects either!
    Leviticus 11:23 "But all other winged insects which have four feet are an abomination to you."

    one school of thought i have read or heard, but cannot attribute
    (might have been from above doco or a bible study aid being used
    in mainline xian denominations to "reconcile in christ" using a book
    titled "Embracing the Promise") stated that the hebrews, before they
    were jews, were a homeless wandering afflicted people who NEEDED
    their people to reproduce prodigiously in order to have a large standing
    army in order to conquer the lands "given" to them by their god...
    obviously, only heterosexual copulation begets .... and needing
    an ever growing population to produce more childbearers and soldiers
    is also a great excuse for a man to have multiple wives and concubines!
    well done !!!

    anyone not engaged in productive sexual activity....
    well kill them.... even if, oh, you know, they could have
    served as a soldier... dubble dose of fokker going on here....

  • streets76

    Jeff, ask your friend exactly when did she choose to be a heterosexual?

    The following is from a transcript of the old Chris Matthews show, Crosstalk. He was discussing this very subject with one of the most notorious gay bashers of the day, the late Rev Jerry Falwell. Notice the trap that Matthews lays for Falwell, and how Falwell fell right in.

    MATTHEWS: Welcome back to HARDBALL. We are back with Reverend Bernice Powell Jackson of the United Church of Christ and the Reverend Jerry Falwell, chancellor of Liberty University. Reverend Falwell, thanks for joining us.


    MATTHEWS: What do you think of this ad, this UCC ad, That showed these bouncers keeping people who were apparently a gay couple and some people who were African-American from coming in the church? Should the networks have run that? (CROSSTALK)

    FALWELL: I think networks should have run it. I have no problem with the ad. The United Church of Christ had a dual purpose. One was a positive one. Everybody is welcome. Every church should say that. Two, apparently, they are trying to say there are churches out there that everybody can't get in.

    MATTHEWS: Right.

    FALWELL: And I think they even have a subtler message. They're saying that the African-American, the Hispanic, the handicapped and then the gay couple or all four bona fide minorities. I would disagree. The two ethnic persons are as God made them, as I am Caucasian.

    MATTHEWS: Right.

    FALWELL: The handicap person, behind his power, his handicap.

    MATTHEWS: Right.

    FALWELL: And the gay couple. They chose to marry each other.

    MATTHEWS: How did they get to be gay, though?

    FALWELL: Well, we probably differ there.

    MATTHEWS: I'm asking.

    FALWELL: But I think all behavior is chosen.

    MATTHEWS: I'm open. I don't know.

    FALWELL: I think that...

    MATTHEWS: Did you choose to be heterosexual?

    FALWELL: I did.

    MATTHEWS: You chose it? You thought about it and you came up with that solution? That lifestyle? (CROSSTALK)

    FALWELL: Put it this way. I was taught as a child that's the right way to...

    MATTHEWS: But did you feel an attraction toward women?

    FALWELL: Oh, of course.

    MATTHEWS: When people are born and they find themselves having an attraction to somebody from the same sex, do you think that's a choice?

    FALWELL: I think you can experiment with any kind of perversity and develop an appetite for it, just like you can food.

    MATTHEWS: You don't think it's nature? You think it's nurture.

    FALWELL: I don't think any — I don't think anybody is born a bank robber or born a hostile left-winger or a hostile right-winger or gay or a promiscuous heterosexual. I think there comes a time in childhood where environment may be a part of it, whatever, teaching, instruction, one chooses, I will do this or that. And that's why good, godly parenting... (CROSSTALK)

    MATTHEWS: How old were you when you chose to be heterosexual?

    FALWELL: Oh, I don't remember that.

    MATTHEWS: Well, you must, because you say it's a big decision.

    FALWELL: Well, I started dating when I was about 13.

    MATTHEWS: And you had to decide between boys and girls. And you chose girls.

    FALWELL: I never had to decide. I never thought about it. (CROSSTALK)

    MATTHEWS: I think it's a ridiculous proposition that you actually sit down and decide. Let me see, boy or girl this week. Anyway...

    FALWELL: I don't think anybody does that.

    MATTHEWS: But let me ask you about this ad again. Do you worry that the networks are exercising a kind of reverse sort of liberal censorship, saying we are afraid that the conservatives will be mad at us?

    FALWELL: I think it's a corny ad. I think it's a corny ad.

    MATTHEWS: Right. Well, that's a good word for it.

    FALWELL: Because, really, it's a left-wing slap at a lot of churches. And I don't know where those churches are.

    MATTHEWS: Right.

    FALWELL: I don't know where I can walk up and I can get in.

    MATTHEWS: What do you think of John Danforth as a member of the Supreme Court, if he gets nominated, should he be? He just stepped as the U.N. ambassador. (CROSSTALK)

    FALWELL: Because he's pro-choice — he is a great man. He's had an illustrious career. But because he is pro-choice, I would object to it.

    MATTHEWS: OK, thank you very much for joining us.

    FALWELL: Thank you.

    MATTHEWS: Thanks for fighting the traffic, Reverend Jerry Falwell.

  • streets76

    Correction: The show was Hardball, not Crosstalk.

  • PSacramento

    God gave us direct commandments, 10 of them and his son added to them, none of them addressed homosexuality.

    The Laws writen in Leviticus were written by the priestly class of Israel and they didn't do a perfect job of that, that's for sure.

    The thing is, if homosexuality is a genetic trait ( and I say IF because I don't know of it has been proven to be that), then theperson has no choice in the matter and when one has no choice, one is NOT exercising free will to do what "is wrong even though they know it to be wrong".

    As such, whether one agrees with the homosexual lifestyle or not, it is NOT our place or anyone elses place, to Judge it. Period.

    I have friends that are Gay, as does my wife and even soem that are Bi, that i s their life and IF they have to answer for that, then it is between them and God and I have nothing to do with it.

    I do know that they are kind, loving people and because of that, they are my friends.

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