CO visit reviews new "Generation" change today...

by Soldier77 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Soldier77

    So this week has been CO visit. I'll try to do a review without too much of me going off on a tangent to get the overview out and then let you all comment as you see fit.

    Theme of the week based on Matt. 24 (Sign of Jesus presence and the end of the system of things).

    CO stressed once again (he as said this in every talk this week) that we are approaching 100 years of Jesus reign. He stressed the importance of 1914 and that because of the increase of the things of the "sign of the presence of Jesus" then we are at the end. (I'm holding back my tongue here guys)..

    Okay, reviews for the next 5 minutes about all of the above, we've all heard it. etc.

    He also went into Ps 110:3 and discussed the "organization" and how it ties in with this scripture (cherry picking really?) Also that as in any organization, the citizens haave rules and rugulations to abide by. Liken it to any "earthly, worldly government" with laws that are enforced. But we should be so happy that as god's earthly, visible organization, one directed by its key principle "love" we are a happy nation... (Ugh I almost lost my lunch repeating that)

    Then starts in with going into the "chronology of 1914" (I'm like sweet, here we go, I want to hear this detailed from the platform) then totally blows past the "evidence" that he so stressed that the bible has concerning this date and the GB intrepretation of the "sign of the last days". (WTF, so disappointed)

    Generation defined as per WT Apr, 15th 2010, we've all seen it and dissected it way more than this CO. He goes on to define that the word here means that a generation as overlapping and how the anointed in 1935 were contemporaries to those anointed in 1914 who saw the start of Jesus' reign. This one sister sitting in the same row as me lets out a gasp (no shit) and a few others have that look on their face, like WTF? Still others have that glazed over look, in fact, most have this look...

    So he says 1914 was the year Jesus began his rule yadda yadda yadda, then in 1935 that marked the year that "most" of the anointed were sealed with the few exceptions of a few replacing ones... (WTF, really? This guy even look at the amount of last years partakers?). So two key years that were stressed, 1914 and 1935 (someone explain to me how they arrived at that second one please).

    In conclusion, he said that as we near the 100 year anniversary we should be "motivated" to preach and spread the good news disease all the more so because we are no longer just in the last stretch but it is knocking on our doors...

    Another thing he said of note was that the FDS is the GB. He said this a second time but I think he changed it up because he caught himself, he said that the GB is a representative of the FDS. Same thing in my eyes, other than the GB is not representing anyone but themselves who sit in the GB room.

    Sorry I got off track and inserted my disgust, but I just wanted to share what is being said to the R&F. I fail at objective writing, probably writing as a whole. Looks like they are ramping up for the DC this year which is going to stress this change to the generation. Anyway, discuss if you want, but mainly this was an FYI to you all.

    I need to go scrub myself with sandpaper because I feel dirty sitting in that KH. So much bullshit floating inside.

  • DaCheech

    so, since 1935 was only 75 years ago.......... they can safely use it as a generation that has not passed yet?

    I guess in 2015, they're gonna have a big problem

  • mrsjones5

    Another thing he said of note was that the FDS is the GB. He said this a second time but I think he changed it up because he caught himself, he said that the GB is a representative of the FDS. Same thing in my eyes, other than the GB is not representing anyone but themselves who sit in the GB room.

    Yeppers, the GB is the FDS, that's what he meant alright.

  • St George of England
    St George of England



    On the other hand, as time has gone by, some Christians baptized after 1935 have had witness borne to them that they have the heavenly hope. (Romans 8:16, 17) Thus, it appears that we cannot set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends.

    I thought the above paragraph, three years ago now, swept away ANY SIGNIFICANCE to the date 1935. So why is this CO introducing it into the generation fiasco?


  • jehovahsheep

    wow-we are " at the end".that is closer than around the corner or at the threshold.

  • Soldier77

    I thought they dropped the whole 1935 thing too... that's why I was asking if anyone could explain how they arrived at 1935 in the first place... let alone dropping it and then re-instituing it? I'm completely confused. It's things like this that make me realize something if HOKEY about this religion...

  • Soldier77

    wt Jan, 15 2008 on 1935:

    Completing the Foretold Number
    "13 Not all 144,000 anointed Christians were selected in the first century. Their calling continued throughout the apostolic period and then apparently slowed down. However, it did continue throughout the succeeding centuries into modern times. (Matt. 28:20) Eventually, after Jesus began to reign in 1914, things moved ahead rapidly.
    14 First, Jesus cleansed the heavens of all vestiges of opposition to godly rule. (Read Revelation 12:10, 12.) Then he turned his attention to the gathering of the remaining prospective members of his Kingdom government so as to complete the number of 144,000. By the mid-1930’s, that task was evidently well along and many of those responding to the preaching work did not have the desire to go to heaven. The spirit was not bearing witness with them that they were sons of God. (Compare Romans 8:16.) Rather, they identified themselves with the “other sheep,” who have the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. (John 10:16) Hence, after 1935 the thrust of the preaching work turned to the gathering of “a great crowd,” those whom the apostle John saw in vision and who would survive “the great tribulation.”—Rev. 7:9, 10, 14.
    15 Even so, over the years since the 1930’s, a few individuals have been called to a heavenly hope. Why? In some cases, it could be that they replaced individuals previously called who had become unfaithful. (Compare Revelation 3:16.) Paul even spoke of personal acquaintances who had left the truth. (Phil. 3:17-19) Whom would Jehovah call to serve as such replacements? Of course, that is his decision to make. Still, it would seem reasonable that he would call, not newly converted ones, but individuals who—like the disciples to whom Jesus spoke when he initiated the Memorial observance—have already proved their loyalty to an extent.—Luke 22:28.
    16 It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930’s are replacements for ones who have fallen away. Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians among us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 17:5) And we can be confident that the full number of 144,000 members will be completed in Jehovah’s due time and that all will eventually take their place in the Kingdom government. We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever-growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. Soon it will “come out of the great tribulation” brought upon Satan’s world and will joyfully move on into God’s new world."

    That's the latest unless thats old light... round and round we go where the WBTS teachings will land no one knows...

  • Heaven

    wow-we are " at the end".that is closer than around the corner or at the threshold.

    So have the JWs been told to stop going door to door then? This is what I was told would happen at this point. I bet they haven't been told to stop yet. And they never will be either.

  • logic

    It appears that the CO doesn't get the new generation crap either. Poor ignorant b*****d.

  • logic

    It appears that the CO doesn't get the new generation crap either. Poor ignorant b*****d.

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