proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew

by Spike Tassel 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spike Tassel
  • Narkissos

    Oh no.

  • Spike Tassel
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    You could start a new cult.

    You could call it

  • Satanus


    They could shorten it to AssYah;)


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I guess you just did, Black Sheep, with your colourful artwork.

    Returning to seriousness, I know that I have seen scans of near-original Greek manuscript fragments with the Tetragrammaton in some type of Hebrew letters, or in a Greek-"spoof" of them (ΠIΠI).

  • Narkissos

    ST: your second link is a little better than the first one. Still, the author doesn't seem to distinguish enough between Jewish as an ethnical-religious determination and Hebrew as a linguistical one. Or between Hebrew and Aramaic as related but different languages, which are not "transparent" to each other (like French and Spanish rather than Swedish and Norwegian for instance). Although Hebrew was still used in 1st-century AD writing (but the important question is, by whom and for what kind of texts?) it is questionable whether it was still the primary (or "maternal") spoken language of anybody. Think of Latin in the late middle-ages: still very much used in writing and orally in specific contexts; nobody's first language though. The first language of the vast majority of Jews in the Eastern part of the Roman empire was either Greek or Aramaic, mostly depending on where they lived.

  • reniaa

    could matthew have originally been written in hebrew though? as some evidense of hebrew matthew manuscripts are mentioned by early Chrisitans?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Some medieval Hebrew manuscripts have been found of Matthew. A discussion of that is at

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    A fuller take on these medieval Hebrew manuscripts is very interesting. It even brings in the NWT and some WT quotes. That's at

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