This "World Event" is a few years away but I'm in the field so I work everyday to prepare for it.
Our technology is advancing at an exponential rate. Shit will hit the fan because of it.
Even as a JW I knew this was coming. In fact, I thought that's what the bible was talking about. Am I paranoid? Am I delusional? Very popular scientists and tech leaders are seriously concerned and are taking real action for the impending events.
My grand fear of future mega events I feel is justified. I've never found it easy to say "meh, nothing's gonna happen".
Maybe I feel weird about it because I've always been a super alarmed state because "Armageddon was coming".
I don't know what I'm getting at with this topic.
I'm obsessed with science and technology. I'm very active. I think it has something to do with having been a JW, maybe not.