Thanks everyone for welcoming me!!
But I'm intrigued to know this: when and why did you start looking for websites such as this? about 3 months ago, i wasnt really looking, i think deep down i still had some traces of guilt about looking at websites like this one, they hammered in my head how apostates are the work of the devil, etc.. and even thought i knew it wasn't true it was hard to let go of the fear... but my cousin and her husband (they are also members of this site) started their fading process and well now we have each other, and we talk about how we feel and she was the one who gave me this site... :)
Was there a point at which you made an intellectual decision that the organisation was wrong about doctrines or that it was baseless. (Maybe I'm being presumptuous: do you think that?) Yes, there was a moment where i finally felt like "WTF?? this people are full of $#!++" the first thing was the hypocricy and how they would bash each other merciless behind close doors but act all lovey dovey while the students where present.
If so, was it hard pulling yourself away from the organisation and the overriding concept that they are God's Organisation™ and that you'd die if you left it? It was extremely hard...because they brainwashed you into believing you cannot find friends outside, i was lonely and afraid of the world in general, i didnt have ANY friends outside the organization, they ruined my social skills and i still working on some of those issues... but i love my life away from them, now i KNOW they are not anything more than a publishing company and a cult!! I feel so Free!! :)