10 Nutty Beliefs!

by Tina 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    One other thought,

    One of the most irrational thoughts that becomes internalized among abused children and raped women is that some how it was their fault. That is one of the first things that has to be dealt with in this kind of situation.

  • ladonna


    Thanks for the very timely post.......
    But wow.....I could see a few things I need to work on.
    Reminders like these can be very powerful and thought provoking.


    I will defend, to your death, my right to my opinion.

  • BoozeRunner

    {{{{{TINA BABY}}}}}}} Truly inspirational. I think tho,that I went crazy before I conquered some of those irrational beliefs, LOL.
    Keep up the good work, we all need reminders.

    Boozy, who thinks that Losing My Mind Was A Liberating Experience

  • Billygoat


    Thanks so much for a great post! I see how much I still carry that old JW mentality so many years afterward! But I don't really see anything wrong with being crazy. Haha!



  • jonjonsimons

    Tina Darling,
    Number 9 was the hardest for me to conquer. Ten years in therapy at least helped me resolve that issue. Once I realized that the past was a useful learning experience and not something that I was condemed to repeat, life truly became enjoyable for the first time.
    Number 5 still bugs me. Being the true Cancer that I am, I worry about everything. I am working on that one. After having a very mild heart attack in May, I have learned to control the stress and the worrying to some degree. Believe me, a heart attack at 36 can really give you a new perspective on things. Why spend more time worrying about life than you do actually living it. Just my .02
    Major Luv in your direction,

  • Tina

    Wow (((((((billy,ana boozie,jonjon ,larc trevor joel, prop))))))))

    I'm glad to see others appreciate Ellis as much as I!
    Larc! You summed up up perfectly his technique to develop the skill that will help us from the above nutty beliefs.

    -Prop-Sexual criminal assault has it's own specialized techniques for intervention and therapy- this is basically about the everday challenges we face in dealing with people.

    Great thoughts from everyone. Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly! luv ya ALL!! Tina who knows the crazy days and ways we live with !

  • proplog2


    Ellis makes a big deal out of not using the word "terrible" and prefers words like "unfortunate" that aren't as catastrophic.

    My comment was a reaction to "victimology". I don't mean to minimize this particular kind of bad luck. Ellis would even say that molestation doesn't "ruin" your youth. All of us have to get on with the rest of our life every single day.

    There is way too much hysteria over this issue. Many here are pinning their hopes of getting even with the Watchtower through this issue. That's pretty sick.

  • Gopher


    You say many are hoping to 'get even with the Watchtower' over the issue of molestation.

    Maybe some are, but you know it needs to be exposed for what it is. The secrecy with which the WT Society operates in this regard gives them too much power over innocent victims. So for this observer (at least), it's not about getting even with the Society, but bringing about the possibility of justice and fairness and an even chance for those who are or could be victims of the inconsistent application of rules --- do you tell the authorities, do you not? This type of inconsistency and confusion works in favor of the offenders.

    A clear and consistent policy would even the playing field, and make the JW organization a lot less comfortable for possible future offenders.

    [Edited for grammar]

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • safe4kids


    Thanks for the kind words...one thing I have learned is NOT to blame others for my stuff and not to try and control other people...it is so much more liberating, isn't it? Not that I'm perfect at it yet, but as you say, it's the journey and not the destination. Thanks for the words of encouragement...they were really needed today!

    Love you too!!!!

    "I undid his head collar and took him outside for a drink, and felt, if not exactly a communion with him, at least an awareness of being a fellow creature on a lonely planet."

    Dick Francis in "To The Hilt"

  • Billygoat


    As for Ellis not using the word "terrible" vs. "unfortunate" - I think you are twisting his meaning. His meaning was for people to look at their pain from a different perspective. Using the word "unfortunate" as a stepping stone to overcoming grief and moving beyond pain into peace. I can't imagine his attitude being one of "Grow Up Already!".

    Yes, those of us that were victims, "get on with the rest of our lives every single day". But moving through that pain at your personal pace is of utmost importance. God is a patience God - He knows the anguish and feelings helplessness of victims. He knows the shame, but he comforts and gives rest to those people. I may be reading too much into your comments, but I think your insenstivity to the victims of rape, pedophilia, and abuse are sad.

    As for your revenge comment - I don't think that victims are wanting to "get even" as you state. They want "accountability" - which is totally different from "getting even" and something that God Himself asks of us. Every person is accountable for their actions, right? That is something the WTS says countless times. Yet nobody seems to be making THEM accountable for their countless wrong actions throughout the years. If it seems there is hysteria about this issue - it is because the WTS has brought physical, emotional, and mental pain to thousands of people's lives, without correcting themselves and without an apology. You simply cannot ask victims of abuse or people who have loved ones that have experienced abuse to NOT be emotional about it.

    Unless you have personally experienced someone of an authority figure, pulling on your clothes, forcing kisses onto your mouth, breathing their hot breath onto your neck, touching your genitals, forcing their bodily fluids into you, and THEN telling you to keep it a secret - you have no right to call any of this issue "sick".


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