These Jehovah's Witnesses are such kill joys!

by inquirer 25 Replies latest members adult

  • googlemagoogle

    i remember playing warcraft 2, at some point in the orc-campaign demons arise from the dark portal. there is a little video sequence showing a demon. this was scary... but i still played it. now fortunately most young people in my congo (not in the others though) link the word "demon" more to video games than existing invisible entities.

  • icesista

    I guess me my brother and elder dad are going to die in Armageddon for watching almost every sci-fi show known to man.

  • upside/down

    Armageddon will be the best sci-fi EVER!


  • LDH

    It is preferable that if you must "entertain" your children, you should entertain them only with the wholesome stories found in the bible.

    Stories such as:

    • How Noah's depraved daughter got their father drunk and then bonked him
    • How old-what's-his-name made sport out of slaughtering men because they were immobile after being convinced that God wanted them to get circumcised.
    • How David schemed to have the husband of his lover killed in battle
    • How a bear was called out of the mountains to slaughter 42 children for behaving like.....children

    And so on.

    Your child will truly benefit from the spiritual lessons of love, kindness, and non-violence that can be found only in the pages of the Witch-Power. This is why Science Fiction is frowned on.


  • upside/down

    I prefer the term..."Science Affliction"

    as my mother called


  • steve2
  • How Noah's depraved daughter got their father drunk and then bonked him
  • LDH, are you sure you're not citing the sanitised version of the holy scriptures? I thought it was Noah's son who did that dirty deed. Bible Students, please, help us here!

  • ezekiel3
    I thought it was Noah's son who did that dirty deed. Bible Students, please, help us here!

    That was Lot (Abraham's nephew) and his two daughters who had sex. The daughters were impregnated on two successive nights after getting their father drunk.

    (Genesis 19:30-38) 30

    Later Lot went up from Zo´ar and began dwelling in the mountainous region, and his two daughters along with him, because he got afraid of dwelling in Zo´ar. So he began dwelling in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31 And the firstborn proceeded to say to the younger woman: "Our father is old and there is not a man in the land to have relations with us according to the way of the whole earth. 32 Come, let us give our father wine to drink and let us lie down with him and preserve offspring from our father." 33 So they kept giving their father wine to drink during that night; then the firstborn went in and lay down with her father, but he did not know when she lay down and when she got up. 34 And it came about on the next day that the firstborn then said to the younger: "Here I lay down with my father last night. Let us give him wine to drink tonight also. Then you go in, lie down with him, and let us preserve offspring from our father." 35 So they repeatedly gave their father wine to drink during that night also; then the younger got up and lay down with him, but he did not know when she lay down and when she got up. 36 And both the daughters of Lot became pregnant from their father. 37 In time the firstborn became mother to a son and called his name Mo´ab. He is the father of Mo´ab, to this day. 38 As for the younger, she too gave birth to a son and then called his name Ben-am´mi. He is the father of the sons of Am´mon, to this day.

  • googlemagoogle

    LDH, are you sure you're not citing the sanitised version of the holy scriptures? I thought it was Noah's son who did that dirty deed. Bible Students, please, help us here!

    the whole story is about lot and his 2 daughters.

    noah got drunk and fell into his tent naked and his son laughed at him, didn't "bonk" him though. his brothers told their father about it the next day but noah had such a bad hangover that he cursed innocent canaan forever.

    hope i could clear things up a bit

  • Apostanator

    Lets not forget about the blood and guts that were featured in Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained book as well as other Watchtower publications that were printed to teach the "Life Saving Knowledge " to those who's doors where knocked on !!!! The title to this thread is very appropriate. The Witnesses are such kill joys to the world as well as joy kills to their own.

  • Es

    OMG what loosers...could it get any worse........ probably


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