worry about yourself. who cares what everyones else does...

by What_is_ur_point 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What_is_ur_point

    Why do witness, Xwitness, Disassociated witness, Disfellowshipped witness, Atheists.

    why doesn't everyone worry about themselves. it's so pointless when someone like me raises certain opinion's that cant be breached here on the message boards. people say that they win against people like me.. ? lol whats that mean.. i wouldve believe there opinion if they stuffed it down my throat.

    All i know is that there were dead sea scrolls found. and if people dont believe in god. fine. I do. i may not believe in organized religons but i have my one befief in god. and i dont care what people say or do. im typically fed up. makes me wonder why i cant post a message on my lastest post, "they put it on hold or something" i guess that like in the congregation you pose a question and if they dont like the mood they reset it for you.. and yes i noticed a message or two was deleted you dont believe it why would you.. your just drones on here.

  • jgnat

    Hi, what_is_ur_point, nice to see you still posting. I am a regular vanilla Christian, non-JW who is married to a Witness. Just like you have discovered, I don't see the JW organization as being full of sweetness and light. Oftentimes people are badly mis-used by the elders.

    So, I should just worry about myself? I post here because these are interesting issues to discuss, and I have a personal hatred for the shunning policy, which I don't think is supported by bible principles.

    That's why it is called a discussion board.

    As you know, you can't talk so freely about these things in the hall. Getting to know the people on here can be a lot of fun.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I have started several threads about god/worship/beliefs because I'm curious what other people think, particularly those that think completely differently than I do. I'm not "worried" about anything, just curious. I figure there's a better chance to grow when I hear what people I don't agree with have to say, than sitting around just thinking to myself.


  • JH

    We are all allowed to our opinion here What_is_ur_point, and I also believe in God

  • Finally-Free
    why doesn't everyone worry about themselves.

    I do. I've got no choice. No one else will do it for me.

    if people dont believe in god. fine. I do.

    I don't know if I believe or not. Every time I think about god I just get pissed off at him.


  • HappyDad


    I worry about myself and my fellow man. Right now I am kind of worried about you and your problem......whatever it is about posting.

    You've mentioned this in another thread also............

    makes me wonder why i cant post a message on my lastest post, "they put it on hold or something" i guess that like in the congregation you pose a question and if they dont like the mood they reset it for you.. and yes i noticed a message or two was deleted you dont believe it why would you.. your just drones on here.

    What in the world are you talking about? Are you on meds? Or are you new to computers and forums?

    I just spent a few minutes and checked. All 29 of your posts are here. Where are you looking? Nothing has been deleted.

    I'm hoping that you are able to straighten out whatever computer problems you are having. Just click on your name and you will see all of your posts.


  • diamondblue1974
    worry about yourself. who cares what everyones else does...

    This is precisely the attitude of most JWs especially when so called friends are struggling spiritually....look after numero uno....

    I rest my case!


  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey what,

    in the end, it doesn't matter if you cannot prove the existence of a god. in the end, it doesn't matter if you lose a debate online.

    just do your thing. continue out of the witnoids. follow the facts wherever they lead you. don't be afraid to be wrong. sure, you may be right about god. just don't be afraid to be wrong.


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    It's hard to heal when you don't talk about it.

  • OldSoul

    I am a believer, too. What is your point? You can't necessarily prove that God exists to someone else just because you have proven it to yourself.



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