by chuckyy 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • inquirer


    Definately agree there, the elders in my old congregation loved the power! The most morose dumbass blokes around, given this perceived power, shit yeah they abused it! And for the Cheshire set here, does anyone remember from the mid 80's early 90's perhaps a Circuit Overseer called Tom something or other? he looked a bit like Benny Hill, but less amusing. He was the most obnoxious arrogant SOB i have ever met, far worse than anyone i have ever met "in the world" He lambasted the congreagtion, called us all spiritually weak the whole week he was there! I remember my dad doing an impression of him and he was hilarious! He was originally from Bath, and all he harped on about was how wonderful the congregation was in Bath, most people in our hall were muttering "well eff-off back there then" under their breaths! He was a prick!

    inquirer-- LOL! LOL! LOL!!!! Please tell us more anecdotes like this!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!

  • jeeprube

    We discussed an important point in class the other day.......One of the greatest benefits of higher education is tolerance. Most elders are uneducated, thus are intolerant of any who oppose them. The circular, false logic of the WTS supports this.

    What's sad is that so many good people choose to submit to this un-Christian arrangement.

  • inquirer

    tall penguin One of my favourite elders is a humble man. What I term a "heart person." He's an elder for the right reasons and he suffers because of it. He's about 62 now and he told me not too long ago that when he stepped down from being the congregation secretary and bookstudy overseer because of health problems (heart problems--no coincidence there!) another elder (he didn't name names) told him, "Well, you've served your purpose." My elder friend was so discouraged by this. There were tears in his eyes as he told me.

    This elder also stood up for me on many occasions. One time he corrected a DO who took a pot shot at me because I wasn't pioneering. Not all elders are narcissistic megalomaniacs. Some are actually "shepherds."


    inquirer -- OH COME ON THAT'S TERRIBLE! DO ELDERS HAVE A USEDBY DATE NOW, DO THEY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Oh throw him over board he's useless! He's served his purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I AM SO SORRY TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bet the man who "stepped down" "balled his eyes out."

  • sir82

    Perhaps your idea was true many years ago. However, nowadays "the pickings are getting slim", and a male will be appointed as a MS (& later an elder) if he meets the following (listed in order of importance):

    1) He averages 10+ hours of service per month (completely irrelevant if he ever actually witnesses to anyone, or is an effective teacher-- the single important point is the number on his publisher card under the "hours" column)

    2) His family is not an embarrassment. In particular, his children can't be "trouble-makers" and must be at least unbaptized regular publishers if over age 10, and his wife must get close to 10 hours per month (same point as above--preaching effectiveness is utterly irrelevant, just get the numbers). Bonus points if one or more family members are pioneering.

    3) He sounds as if he had more than a 4th grade education when giving talks.

    4) He is "visible" in the congregation. I.e., does he show up for field service arrangements (completely irrelevant if he actually does any service thereafter), does he comment at meetings (completely irrelevant if his answers have any substance whatsoever), does he show up to clean the Kingdom Hall.

    5) He is generally viewed as a pretty decent person by most people. No obvious repulsive personal habits.

    6) If there is time at the end of the elders meeting discussing who is "reaching out", a cursory, superficial consideration of the scriptural qualifications at 1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1 is done. Discussion not to last more than 5 minutes.

    Here are some qualities completely irrelevant for being nominated as an elder (in fact these may be a hindrance). I have never ever heard any of these items being discussed in a "who is reaching out" discussion:

    Generosity, kindness, empathy, mercy, intelligence, compassion, patience, get the idea.

  • inquirer

    I wish I could be an elder for a couple of months and be really hopeless at it -- like an anti-hero sort of thing.

    Field Service pre-meeting: "oh sorry I am late for the service meeting," I was having a good old drink with one me mates." LOL "Now, don't worry, I only had one scooner." Didn't the good Lord say "a little wine is ok?" And then say "Nah, I was feeling a bit crook, and I had a cold, but now I am coming around fine. Must be the weather, aye?"

    While at the platform: "Oh excused me, I just dropped me pen."

    "Who's that sheila over there! Never seen here before! Oh yes I have! Hello sister A."

    While at field service "Ah, we'll just cut the door-to-door today. Just take it easy you guys. See you later. You can go on if you like, I want to play golf now."

    While at the book study "Nah, we'll do this paragraph next week, she'll be right!"


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