10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong

by avishai 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaulJ


    You should be british with that dry sense of humour!!!

  • PaulJ

    Just a note to all gay people in Britain. When you declared yourself (if you did) to family an friends as being gay, did you come out of a closet, or a WARDROBE???

  • avishai

    Thanks for the compliment, but I did'nt write it.

  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam
    i cant think of any good reasons, having 2 women in the house sounds pretty damn good. 2 to cook, 2 to do dishes and laundry, 2 to share clothes with...... 4 boobies.....dont sound bad at all lmao

    would watch chick flicks with me without complaining

    wouldn't get razor burn kissing another woman

    the house would be blessedly void of loud belching and farting noises

    would love chocolate as much as I do, and would never utter, "Do you think you've had enough?"

  • candidlynuts

    YEAH! i like how you think periodic bedlam! cool name too! welcome

  • Gretchen956

    ladies, ladies, have you forgotten pms x 2? It ain't all fun! (just most of the time )


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    The thing I don't understand is really who the f##k cares? How does it possibly affect your life if two people of the same sex that are unknown or unrelated to you decide to get married? I think people need to mind their own business.


  • G Money
    G Money

    Gay guys are cool! More girls for me!

  • Purza
    i'm sick of the word gay, i want to be called mufestadons!


    Gavin Newsom for president!!!


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