Did God create Adam to Live forever??

by bboyneko 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Faraon


    I also agree that the panel will see an obstinate person in error. This person will not be me. You have proven yourself to be an unreasoning religious zealot besides being an uncaring human being.
    For the third time: I am not an Atheist. I do believe in the existence of superior beings/gods. I cannot believe in the god/s of the bible. They have proven themselves, especially Jehovah, to lack the qualities that humans value as desirable, such as compassion, and is/are full of negative qualities such as murder, decepcion, lust, jealousy, and so on.
    Thanks for the mental exercise, though.


  • Yadirf

    Speedy Faraon

    :You have proven yourself to be an unreasoning religious zealot besides being an uncaring human being.

    I didn't think a person was supposed to be nice, or polite, while engaged in battle with his enemy apostates. Seems to me like I remember Lefty Ehud sticking his dagger into Fatso Eglon's tummy. That wasn't so nice and polite now, was it? So, actually, you might have not seen anything as of yet compared to what might me on the way.

    :I do believe in the existence of superior beings/gods.

    Well, is that right! Then just where are they when a fella needs them. I mean, what are they good for? Do you pray to them? Do they answer you? Why do they allow all the badness that we see in the earth? Do they actually cause it, for some reason or other? Why do infants die? Why are some babies born deformed? Can you explain why your god, or gods, allow or cause all these things. Did your gods create us? If so, do they intend that we live forever? Or just for the duration of this short 7 or so decades?


  • Scorpion


    Can you please post a link to your main page on this thread for your personal web-site.

    Thank you

  • Yadirf


    Home page is: http://4heavens.homestead.com/4Heavens.html

    I really hadn't gotten very far along with my site before I sorta tuckered out. I hope, before too much longer, to get back to work on it. You'll notice that the topics that are clickable are the ones whose titles are both underlined and in a blue font (or is it purple?). Some of these are also way down at the bottom of the page. "The Spherical Design Of The Universe and The Four Heavens" topic contains two computer-generated images which I did myself. I have the written material which I authored ready to upload to that topic, but just haven't taken the time to do it yet. I really can't imagine anyone not being as excited as I was, and still am, over having made this discovery while studying the Bible. But you know how things are sometimes, one man's treasure might be another man's trash. Perhaps you may find it interesting, in spite of your beliefs.

    Another topic which I have ready to go whenever I decide to take the time to upload it has to do with a refined understanding of what Sheol/Hades is. Although the Society is basically still correct in its interpretation, there is some polish that needs to be applied to the current way of thinking on this doctrine.

    So if you care to visit my site, please do, but keep in mind that it's far from being perfected and complete at this point.


  • Scorpion


    Thank you. I will check it out tomorrow.

  • Robdar

    Some sources have said that the first woman spoken of as being created with Adam in the first chapter of Genesis is Lilith. Because she would not consent to having sex with Adam nor be dominated by him, God gave Adam Eve. Eve is the woman mentioned in the second chapter. Eve obviously was submissive enought to bear Adam's children. You can look up Lilith on line. The topic is too long to go into here.

    A Guppy Love,

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