Aljazeera skewing the news again

by Elsewhere 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    This morning it was all over CNN about how the US intercepted a letter from al-Zawahiri (Al-Qaida's #2) addressed to al-Zarqawi (Al-Qaida in Iraq).

    In this letter he said:

    • Funds are drying up, and actually asked the Al-Qaida members in Iraq to send money.
    • Al-Qaida has lost many of its key leaders.
    • He is resigned to defeat in Afghanistan.
    • Complained that the Al-Qaida activity in Iraq that is killing Iraqi civilians will likely alienate the "Muslim Masses".

    Basically the letter talked about how bad things are for Al-Qaida.

    I went to the Aljazeera web site to see their spin on it. What I found was nothing. Not one single article about this event. Basically they are acting like it never happened and do not want to tell the Arab world about it. I did a search for "al-Zawahiri", the name of the guy who sent the letter, and the last article that mentions him was published on Sept. 21, 2005.

    And people wonder why Aljazeera is accused of supporting terrorism.

    Pentagon: Bin Laden deputy complains about money, Iraq tactics

    U.S. says it obtained intercepted letter

    From Jamie McIntyre

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An intercepted letter from Osama bin Laden's deputy to the al Qaeda leader in Iraq complains that the terrorist network is short of cash and faces defeat in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesman says.

    The United States obtained a recent letter that appears to be from Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2 figure, to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, outlining both the strategy and concerns of the terrorist network, said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.

    In the letter, al-Zawahiri warns that some of the tactics currently employed by the insurgency, including the slaughtering of hostages and the suicide bombings of Muslim civilians, may risk alienating the "Muslim masses," Whitman said Thursday.

    Reading from a summary of the letter, Whitman said al-Zawahiri concedes that al Qaeda has lost many key leaders, is resigned to defeat in Afghanistan, and that its lines of communication and funding sources have been seriously disrupted. Al-Zawahiri includes a plea for financial support, indicating he is strapped for money, Whitman said.

    He could not say when the letter was intercepted or when authorities believe it might have been written.

    The lengthy communication was said to detail the strategy of Muslim extremists to push the United States out of Iraq and establish an Islamic state that could expand its form of governance to neighboring countries, Whitman said.

    Senior U.S. officials told CNN that the 6,000-word letter is believed to have been written within days of the July 7 terror attacks in London. Only parts of the letter have been made public, the officials said.

    The decision to confirm the existence of the letter came after an incomplete and partially inaccurate version was leaked to news organizations, the senior officials said.

    Earlier Thursday, President Bush made similar points about the terror network in what aides billed as a "major speech" on the war on terrorism, which was launched after al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.

    Bush repeated his long-standing contention that Iraq had become the central front in that conflict, and said a U.S. withdrawal from that currently unpopular conflict would leave behind a country ruled by bin Laden and al-Zarqawi.

    "We will not stand by as a new set of killers dedicated to the destruction of our own country seizes control of Iraq by violence," Bush said. (Full story)

    CNN's David Ensor contributed to this report.

  • tfsm

    <sarcasm>It was on CNN so it must be the truth.</sarcasm>

  • alreadygone

    Unfortunatey I have to agree with tfsm on this. In my opinion, CNN is not the most unbiased news source. They rank right up there with FOX.

    From what I have heard, the terrorists in Iraq are not slowing down and new ones are created daily.

  • sf

    Just wanted to point out two current articles that are contained in a 'sleepy' thread that was brought back up to the top recently.

    They are:

    Bin Laden to surface after new attack on US soil: ex-CIA expert

    6 October 2005

    WASHINGTON - Osama bin Laden is expected to remain in hiding until he stages another attack on the United States, an ex-CIA expert who had tracked the terror mastermind for two decades warned in an interview on Wednesday.

    “As soon as he hits us in the United States again we’ll see how important he is in the Islamic world,” Michael Scheuer, the former head of the “bin Laden unit” at the CIA, told AFP in an interview.

    Despite his low profile, bin Laden remains powerful, Scheuer said, shrugging off reports that the Al Qaeda chief was isolated and his communication network shattered due to a relentless hunt for him.

    “We mistake quiet for defeat or irrelevance. And all quiet is disquiet,” said Scheuer, a fierce critic of the Bush administration and its “War on Terror” policy since he left the CIA in November last year.

    Scheuer said that bin Laden’s right-hand-man Ayman Al Zawahiri, who last appeared on a video aired 10 days before the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, seemed to have temporarily taken over the Al Qaeda leadership apparently for the boss to prepare for another US strike.

    Bin Laden last surfaced in a video footage aired on the eve of the US presidential elections in November last year. In the tape, declared authentic by the authorities, the Saudi-born radical directly admitted he ordered the September 11 attacks.

    Asked why he thought the Al Qaeda leader had not resurfaced since then, Scheuer said: “I don’t think we are going to hear from him until he attacks us again.

    “His feature on the eve of the election was simply to say that: This is it, I have warned you four times. I punched my ticket in the Islamic world, I’ve given you all the warning that the religion requires me.

    “I think that’s why Zawahiri is taking the lead at the moment,” said Scheuer, the author of the best-selling book “Imperial Hubris,” which was originally published anonymously as required by the CIA.

    The United States has offered rewards of up to 25 million dollars each for bin Laden and Al Zawahiri.

    Pakistan said last month that bin Laden was now isolated as his communication network had been shattered.

    One key Al Qaeda suspect revealed under interrogation that bin Laden was using couriers travelling on foot or horseback instead of communicating by satellite telephone or the Internet to avoid being detected, according to Pakistan’s chief military spokesman, Major General Shaukat Sultan.

    But Scheuer, currently an adjunct professor of security studies at Georgetown University, said, “I’m one that believes that we have not destroyed their (Al Qaeda’s) capability to attack us.

    “I think bin Laden still commands the international media at a moment’s notice if he decides to make a media appearance. He is very important. So, I think again there is lot of whistling past the graveyard at the moment.”

    Scheuer earlier Wednesday told a forum organized by the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, that Al Qaeda would survive even without bin Laden, “who is a unique combination of a 12th century theologian and a 21st century CEO.”

    Ersel Aydinli, a former counter-terrorism expert with the Turkish police, said bin Laden failed in his bid to drum up support from Muslims to join his jihadist struggle.

    “But even if he is captured or killed, probably we still have to deal with the legacy beyond him,” he said, adding that the Al Qaeda had broken up into various “splinter groups with potential for multiple attacks.

    “The good news is that it looks like Osama bin laden and Al Qaeda have really failed in terms of getting enough attention for their call for jihad in a violent way,” he said.

    Aydinli, who teaches at George Washington University, said field research he conducted last summer among Muslim communities in the Middle East and Europe revealed that there was still continuing debate over bin Laden’s role.

    “There is a huge debate whether he served or he really hindered the Muslim world’s interests,” he said.


    Ramadan and nuke terror Is 'American Hiroshima' set for this month?

    Posted: October 7, 2005
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    Editor's note: This exclusive report by Paul Williams first appeared in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online, intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions to G2 Bulletin are now available at half price – $99 a year or just $9.95 per month.

    By Paul L. Williams
    © 2005

    The next terrorist attack on the United States – a "nuclear hell storm" planned for seven major cities – is set to occur this month.

    That's the word from al-Qaida.

    In a communiqué to Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the top al-Qaida lieutenant in Iraq, mentions the "Great Ramadan Offensive" that will create a "fateful confrontation" with the United States and Israel.

    "I think that the plans for the next stage of the jihad has reached you or will reach you in a few days," Zarqawi writes in the letter. "O God, make the plans of Osama come to fruition!"

    The communiqué, dated May 30, was intercepted by CIA officials and remains on the Global Information System database that is accessible only to government officials with high-security clearance.

    Most U. S. intelligence officials dismissed Zarqawi's letter as wishful thinking until Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's second in command, appeared on al-Jazeera, the official television network of Saudi Arabia, to deliver a message to the American people.

    In the message, which was broadcast Aug. 8, al-Zawahiri said: "What you have seen, O Americans, in New York and Washington and the losses you are having in Afghanistan and Iraq, in spite of the blackouts by your media, are only the losses of the initial clashes. ... You will soon experience horrors that will make you forget the horrors you have encountered in Vietnam."

    The al-Qaida chieftain went on to say: "Jihadist forces have been established in all of Western Europe to defend the powerless within the nation. For the crimes that the Crusaders have committed against the Muslims will be reaped by Christians and Jews throughout the Western world."

    Zawahiri's video messages are viewed by intelligence officials as telling signs that a terrorist attack is imminent. His televised message Sept. 6, 2004, took place before the December 6, 2004, bombing of the U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, while his message of June 17, 2005, preceded the London bombings.

    Concerns about an October attack were heightened even more by reports that the radical Islamic community viewed the ravages of hurricanes Katrina and Rita as signs that Allah was pleased with the plans for "the American Hiroshima."

    "Allah has punished America with winds and water," one imam is quoted in the GIS report as saying. Another imam reportedly quipped that America, as evidenced by the natural disasters, is "under the curse of the Jews."

    Christopher Brown, research associate with the Hudson Institute's Transitions to Democracy project, maintains that the hurricanes have presented al-Qaida with a unique strategic opportunity.

    "If this attack is launched soon," Brown said, "the devastation to the American economy alone could easily far exceed that of the September 11 attacks and could be equivalent to the detonation of a small nuclear device on American soil."

    Ramadan represents the ninth month of the Islamic year, the month in which the Koran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. According to Muslim tradition, the actual revelation occurred on the night between the 26th and 27th days of the month. On this "Night of Determination," Allah determines the fate of the world for the coming year.

    The fate of the world for the next Islamic year, if bin Laden has his way, will include the nuclear destruction of the United States.

    Bin Laden has been amassing nuclear weapons and materials since 1992, when he was in the Sudan. This was substantiated by the testimony of al-Qaida officials in federal court during the hearings of "The U.S. v. Osama bin Laden."

    When he returned to Afghanistan, bin Laden purchased tactical nuclear weapons from the Chechen Mafia. News of the sale was confirmed by Saudi, Israeli, British, Saudi and Russian intelligence and reported in The Times of London, the Jerusalem Report, Al Watan al-Arabi, Muslim Magazine, Al-Majallah (London's Saudi weekly) and by the BBC.

    In 1997, bin Laden made additional small nuclear weapons from materials bought not only from the Chechens but also black market sources in Russia, China, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine.

    In 1998, he purchased large quantities of highly enriched uranium from Simeon Mogilevich, a Ukrainian arms dealer. For one delivery of fifteen kilos of uranium-236, Mogilevich was paid $70 million. Bin Laden also purchased several bars of enriched uranium-138 from Ibrahim Abd, an Egyptian arms dealer and several Congolese opposition soldiers.

    From 1999 to 2001, bin Laden hired scientists and technicians from the A.Q. Khan Research Facility in Pakistan not only to build new nukes from the highly enriched uranium and plutonium but also to maintain, upgrade, reconfigure, and redesign his "off-the shelf" nukes, including nuclear mines, so that they could be packed into lightweight (less than eight pounds) suitcases and backpacks or molded into warheads that could be launched from 120 or 155 millimeter recoilless rifles.

    Upon the arrests of Dr. Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood and Dr. Chaudry Abdul Majid, two top officials from the Khan facility, the CIA discovered that several of bin Laden's tactical nukes had been forward-deployed to the United States from Karachi.

    More information concerning al-Qaida's nukes came with the arrest in Pakistan of Sharif al-Masri, a key al-Qaida operative. Al Masri, an Egyptian national with close ties to al-Zawahiri, operative, informed CIA and ISI (Pakistani intelligence) officials that several tactical nukes for use in the American Hiroshima had been forward deployed to Mexico for transportation across the border by members of Mara Salvatrucha ("MS-13"), a Salvadoran street gang.

    These developments caused both President Bush and Sen. John Kerry to speak of nuclear terrorism in the 2004 presidential campaign as "the single greatest danger facing the American people," and for Vice President Cheney to say that a nuclear attack from al-Qaeda appears "imminent."

    The seven cities targeted by al-Qaida for nuclear destruction are New York, Washington D.C., Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Chicago.

    Several Islamic scholars say that Ramadan is an unlikely time for al-Qaida to strike since it is the holiest month of the year, a time in which Muslims traditionally refrain from warfare to spend time in fasting, meditation, and prayer. But many Islamic battles throughout history took place during Ramadan, including the following:

    • 624 – The Battle of Badr occurred on 17 Ramadan when the Prophet Mohammed led his forces to victory over the Arabian tribes who opposed him.
    • 627 – The Muslims trained for the Battle of Ditch during Ramadan
    • 630 – The soldiers of Islam, under Mohammed, established a training camp in Tabouk during the month of fasting and attacked the Byzantine army.
    • 653 – During Ramadan, the Muslim army conquered Rhodes and melted the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, into weapons for the soldiers.
    • 1187 – The Battle of Hattin in which a combined force of Sunnis and Shiites destroyed the Christian army occurred the morning after the "Night of Determination."
    • 1973 – On Oct. 6, Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a surprise offensive against Israel to launch the Yom Kippur or the 10th of Ramadan War.
    • 2000 – Al-Qaida launches the suicide bombing of the USS Cole in Aden harbor Yemen. The attack of Oct. 5 kills 17 and wounds 39 American sailors.

    In 2001, Dr. Fuad Mukheimar, secretary-general of the Egyptian Sharia Association, published an article in which he encouraged bin Laden to launch an attack against the U.S. during the holy month.

    "During the month of Ramadan," Mukheimar wrote, "a great Muslim victory was won over the Crusaders under the leadership of Saladin. His advisers counseled him to rest from the jihad during the month of fasting, but Saladin insisted on continuing the jihad during Ramadan because he knew ... that fasting helps to [achieve] victory, because during Ramadan the Muslims overcome themselves through fasting, and thus their victory over their enemies is certain."

    Bin Laden, who views himself as Saladin's successor, could opt to heed this advice.

    Ramadan began Tuesday, Oct. 4, and ends Nov. 2. The Night of Determination will occur Oct. 29.

    Paul Williams is the author of "The Al Qaeda Connection." To read his follow-up on the heightened threat of nuclear terrorism during Ramadan, subscribe to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.


  • Elsewhere
  • tfsm

    I shouldn't have used the sarcasm tag - sorry. My point is that the "news" is pretty biased no matter where it comes from. The BBC, CNN, Fox, CBS, and everybody else made that apparent in their coverage of the disaster in New Orleans.

  • 3rdEye

    How convenient for this report to come out a day after Bush big speech about the "war on terror",and the occupation of Iraq.

  • tfsm

    I wish I had read that through all of that linkfest before apologizing for using the sarcasm tag. Apology retracted. It is the National Day of Courtesy in Britain so I will try not to be rude.

    First of all, I can't believe I have responded to a post about the war in Iraq. I have been suckered in by boredom. I just really can't believe that with all of the information available to the average person today, some are still unable to do a little research and make an attempt at getting an informed opinion before voting or even something as innocuous as posting "infotainment" as fact.

    Secondly, you can quote this and link to that all you want but you won't find any progress towards peace or "weapons of mass destruction", for that matter, in Iraq. What you will find, thanks to the Bush regime, is an Al Quaeda paradise and plenty of death and destruction. Why did we do this? Apparently because god talks to dubya.

  • stillajwexelder

    sadly until AL jazeera came on the scene , the only news the Arab world got. from the BBC - and ISLAM is supposed to be the superior religion - God Help us

  • Soledad

    The article "Ramadan and Nuke Terror" is simply outrageous.

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