Watchtower Magazine - Statement of Purpose

by Nicholaus Kopernicus 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Its purpose is to honor the lowlife god joke-hova that merely wants us all to be slaves.  Be born, get placed into drudgery at a young age, work like a dog all your life, develop disability from your work at age 45 or 50 or so, get slaughtered and that will be your retirement.  And all reproduction is by artificial insemination, always with incompatible races so they don't turn out right.  Sickness and misery result from all this, and there is no spirit of life.  No fun at all.  Everything is a drudgery--even eating.  Veganism is strictly enforced.

    With a god that wants this for humanity, why do we need a rag to honor that thing?

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    What are you people talking about?  I just opened the February 1, 2015 Watchtower (the public edition) and the mission statement is on the inside of the front cover, top left corner!

    The study edition does not have it, but that is to be expected because the mission statement always was aimed at informing the non-JW public of the purpose of the magazine. Indoctrinated JWs don't need the mission statement because it was always just for public show.


    I haven't read one in a while, I figured it was just gone and wanted to make a joke. 


  • Nicholaus Kopernicus
    Nicholaus Kopernicus

    Thank you "The Searcher". I found that excerpt you reproduced of interest. I have no doubt that were the 1st Century Bereons (so copiously affirmed by the apostle Paul) to be around today, they would be roundly censured (disfellowshipped) by the GB and their agents.

    Thank you too, "sowhatnow". Oh yes! Jesus is significantly marginalised in the literature produced by the GB. A case in point is the Feb 8th 2015 ESD text (from WT 2013 10/15) which quotes the first part of John 17:3 and goes on to extol knowing God and having a "close bond of love wth him [note the lower case] and fellow believers. Jesus is not mentioned in the discussion following this well known scripture. Yet John 5:23 states..... " order that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He that does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him." This is but one of many many divergencies from the now deleted SoP which purported to encourage faith in God's Anointed One. The recent study of the parables is another case in point. That the understanding portrayed from the scriptures cited is so erroneous plainly evidences that the magazine no longer adheres to the Bible as it's authority. The Bereon like reasoning on

    evidences such rather nicely and

    gives a nice discussion on the wheat and weads (parallel to the dragnet).

    I remember when the OKM would encourage us to use the SoP as a presentation in the first call ministry. Even although a simpler SoP remains for the public WT, I have no recollection of the SoP being recommended as an introduction in recent years. Thus, even though it remains in that edition it's importance is being diminished.

    No, the evidence really does point to the WT now being a scripturally wayward publication who's purpose seems to be that of putting across the perspectives and interpretations of the GB. In seeking to pursue such, they are giving evidence that they have forgotten the counsel of Romans 12:3... "... not to think of yourselves as being more important than you are..." [The Voice Translation].

  • Esse quam videri

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