Not one elder has called me since my fade!

by in a new york bethel minute 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    how is that possible? i started fading two and a half years ago... and i have never been contacted once. not even a call to see how i was doing. my mom is still a diehard dub and doesn't even think it unusual. her reasoning? "you never had your publisher records sent over. you're not in their jurisdiction, so they don't know how they can help you. they need to know your history." funny, no elders from my previous two halls have called either. half my family are elders and MS's and have never called once. i see them at family functions and they either act like everything is normal and cool or kind of snub me.
    maybe if the brothers knew they could count their time with me because i am inactive they would try to reach me. in some ways i love it, and in other ways i find it offensive... i guess i should be happy that elders aren't knocking down my door with questions???

    bethel minute

  • candidlynuts

    i got 2 calls a year for 2 yrs.. (when circuit overseer was in)..mostly to remind me that i was still on public reproof and my lack of attendance didnt look good.. no questions of concern, no questions to see if they could help me or anything...well i did get asked if i was spreading my legs for anyone.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Dear Bethel: Please fill in the following blanks. I will fix everything. Please give me 24 hours, and your problem will be solved. You will have more damn JW's at your door, than you can shake a stick at. Thank You HL

    Name: ________________________________ real, first middle last

    Address________________________________ real

    City and State___________________________


    Phone # ____ _____ __________

    Congragation you last attended__________________________ include address, city and state

    Name of the PO_____________________________

    Work address and phone #______________________

    This is all I need. To make your life a living HELL. I guess you have never heard of the old saying "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" HL

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    leave well enough alone, you say? NEVER HA! kidding... i know im lucky im lucky im lucky im lucky...


    p.s. we don't have zip codes in canada, OK???

  • FlyingHighNow

    Really, since when were most JWs concerned with anyone, but those considered strong in the congo? Brothers don't even bother with The Faithfuls, the family who make all meetings, FS and conventions. They're on the school, every last family member. They always show up to clean the hall, etc. and make contributions regularly. Always hand in time. But they are quiet and humble and invisible. I remember families like that. No one noticed if they missed a meeting or ten meetings.

    I went to some congos where the elders were more interested in everyone. I went to some where they were really only worried about their numbers when the circuit overseer came a callin'.

  • Finally-Free
    p.s. we don't have zip codes in canada, OK???

    Haha! Spoken like a true Canadian!

    When I was injured and didn't attend meetings for a few months the elders didn't bother much with me either - just one 5 minute visit in over 3 months. That was when the PO and his wife dropped in to give me a get well card and a box of cookies. Nicest thing the JWs did for me in 20 years, I have to admit. But when I was considering fading and went to meetings sporadically, and was turning in service reports with all zeros they were banging on my door every week, and phoning too.

    I don't know why they missed me so bad. It's not like I ever commented or donated money...


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    2 1/2 YEARS?

    I've waited for 20 years. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath

  • enigmatic

    when my mom left the jw's 10 years ago, she was contacted once, she had a bunch of questions that she asked the elders that came by and asked about scriptures that conflicted with the dubs teachings. They said they did not have answers and would have to come back.. Well I guess the could not answer her questions cause they never came, she was just inactive at the time, 47 years of membership and one visit...myself personally, I am very glad for that one visit, it helped her see what jackasses most jw's are...and made up her mind to stay away

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I'll just bet that you "Laugh in the face of Danger"!!!!

    I think that it's from a movie. But it fits. HL

  • Aude_Sapere

    Are you bragging or complaining?????


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