"Quotes" website owner-Radio Interview on the Net-Sept. 24, '05

by sf 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • upside/down

    So much for trusting in Jojoba....

    "In the courts we trust"...the WTS's real "saviour".

    Since I'm not DA'd or DF'd...they supposedly can't sue me...I'm still a "brother"...

    u/d (of the hope they get what they deserve class)

  • Beans

    That was very powerful and insightful. It is interesting to see how other people view this sect and this story.

    Great job Bro!

  • Beans

    Hey Quotes, I almost forgot, did you meet any virgins over 18? I think I know how they stay pure, as one catholic girl told me how to keep her virginity, anal!

  • Fatfreek

    Quotes, I want you to know one thing that impressed me. It was your use of the expression "full disclosure". If memory serves, that is one of the things that got you fired up, discovering by yourself (in some book) some embarrasing teaching that you weren't told about before you were baptized.

    How many of us were actually told about the pyramidology teaching before baptism? Raise your hands -- Hmmm ... I thought so. How many of us would be here, right now, if there had been something like Full Disclosure prior to baptism? Frankly, I doubt there'd be enough dropouts to support such.

    I, for one, can't tell you how many times my teenage friends would hit me with, "my folks say the Witnesses don't believe in doctors". It wasn't till recently that I found (thanks to your Quotes site) their extreme hatred of the medical profession extended through the 1930's and possibly into the 1940's. All I was told by the servants (the pre-elder days) was "... your classmates are badly misinformed. We only reject blood transfusions". They should have said, "Yes, a few years back that is what we taught, but things are different now."

    Again, the lack of "full disclosure".

    I'm so very proud of you.


  • Quotes

    Beans, I think that would be considered "technically" still a virgin!

    Fats, yup, that is exactly what it is all about, to me. Full Disclosure. If someone still wants to join JWs after fully learning about all the crazy skeltons in the closet, great. More power to 'em.

    Turning that same argument around, some people (like, say, my dad, or perhaps the WTS drones that are reading this -- hi guys! --) would say that it isn't right that such a full disclosure "might confuse" some and cause them to lose their interest in "The Truth".

    To that I say: "If the only thing keeping a JW faithful is a lack of knowledge, and lack of full disclosure, then that person really doesn't deserve to be a JW anyway -- 'cause remember, Jahoobee reads the heart condition and knows that their faith is predicated on false understanding! Or are we to believe that Jahoobee wants followers that are only faithful as long as the facts -- the truth -- is NOT revealed to them?

  • inquirer

    I know people have posted on this thread for a while, but Quotes -- you are the man! You presented yourself quite well on the radio station! Don't be hiding no drugs, now? :D ;) lol

  • inquirer

    I know people have posted on this thread for a while, but Quotes -- you are the man! You presented yourself quite well on the radio station!

    Don't be hiding no drugs, now? :D ;) lol

  • DannyHaszard

    Jehovah’s Witness featured guest on spiritual talk back radio
    WebWire (press release), GA - 19 minutes ago
    Jehovah’s Witnesses, who publicly trumpet their past legal battles to protect freedom of the press, expression, and religion,file suit for monetary damages ...

    Jehovah's Witness featured guest on spiritual talk back radio XXXXXXXXX, registered owner of the aforementioned domain and designer of the web site, is a former member of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. ...show interview CJYE 1250 am radio-Jehovah's Witnesses file $100,000 suit to Silence ... the legal corporation used by Jehovah's Witnesses for their publishing operations, against ...

    • Boston IMC10/10/2005 Nicely done page add your comment feature too join in

    Jehovah's Witness Featured Guest on Spiritual Talk Back Radio
    The Open Press (press release) - 2 hours ago
    Jehovah’s Witnesses, who publicly trumpet their past legal battles to protect freedom of the press, expression, and religion,file suit for monetary damages ...



  • Breakfast at Cranberrys
    Breakfast at Cranberrys

    Wow. I actually registered with the site just to say how much I enjoyed the interview. Your tone and balance were quite a 'witness' as the jdubs would say. Good luck!

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