Pictures of Paradise

by gringojj 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • mcsemike

    I may have missed this if someone already said it but I have 2 questions. First, who would want an elephant, lions, and other animals on their yard? Do you know how much straw they eat and how much waste they produce? Funny, I never see any manure piles in the WT's pictures of those little cute Hansel and Gretel houses. Secondly, why do animals die? I thought death was a result of sin. Animals can't sin, having no moral sense of right and wrong. So why do they get cancer, worms, infections, etc. My daughter finally talked me into letting her get a kitten when she was 10 years old, promising to care for it. (That lasted 2 days.) Her mother cleaned up after it and fed it from then on. But when that kitten grew up, he got sick. He weighed 35 pounds and needed some surgery to see if he had a liver tumor. We couldn't afford the $1,000 vet bill, so we had to have it put to sleep. My wife took my daughter and the cat to the vet and came home crying, both of them. Now, how is this "opening his hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing"? I know some dog owners who would love to have their pets for eternity. I asked an elder once and he gave the typical "Jehovah will take care of it". Total BS. If you saw the look on my child's face when that poor cat was gone, you would have cried. We got her a few more kittens since, but she still misses her first kitten. What's God going to do, erase her memory of that kitten after Armageddon? Resurrect the cat? And the WT still hasn't satisfied me as to why animals die. Some people really carry on about their pets when they die. Some even see therapists. I don't get it. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Thanks.

  • kilroy2

    Yes but they show homes being built with machined lumber, glass, tractors in the field, who refined the gas for the tractor, oil for the transmission, parts for the dam thing, glass takes a factory to make, it the society saying that they will have enough left over from the end of the old world to last infinity? I don't think so.

    Even in the early 1800's when every one except a select few were farmers in an agrarian society, they still all had second trades, shoe maker,tin smith,candle maker, black smith, and would trade for other goods, the raw materials came from others that mined or refined them. Unless hovah comes down here and gets off his lazy arss there is no way we can live in that type of world.

    Or maybe they will say that hovah will use anti matter to keep everything going, but to a dub this is not important, only the myth is important, better to live in a dream than reality, at least till reality hits you in the ass

  • kid-A

    I would imagine the insides of the houses will look something like this.....

  • Balsam

    You know I never thought about them never showing the inside of a house. Wood stoves, Frig's with Big blocks of ice delivered by JW and bartering for goods. What about fabrics for clothing where would they come from if there was no manufacturing. No generators because no company to make them. I always believed that it would be primative. Sort of like the Amish live but even more primative. Who made the paint to go on the houses, who made the glass to go in the windows. People would have to work to provide items for bartering. Interesting to think about isn't it. The paradise would be pretty rough, yet they always show those estatic people grinning their biggest grins. But think about it, it would be like surviving after a war, there would be nothing available for a while. Where would seeds for planting come from. People would have to gather them.

    Thank for the stimulating thoughts.


  • p717

    Regarding the illustrations of "Paradise" Judging by the fashion sense, I must conclude that they'll have clothing manufacturers, blowdriers, hairspray, and dove soap. It'll be a world run by eco-friendly preppies.

  • DannyHaszard
    Meet the God of the Watchtower as good cop bad cop


    Above WT 'Paradise lost to paradise regained' aka the "paradise book" was published in 1958 i was born to JW pioneer parents in 1957 so this was my first 'theocratic' coloring book

  • DannyHaszard




  • DannyHaszard

    we all go back to speaken hebrew


  • DannyHaszard
  • DannyHaszard

    OH OH !!!


    Danny God wants to see you in his office straight away

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