Are you weird too?

by kittyeatzjdubs 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    I HAVE to take a shower in the doesn't matter if I showered the night before...if I don't take that morning shower my whole day is shot, brush my teeth in the shower as well...don't eat scrambled eggs without ketchup...Bar-BQ sauce on bologna sandwichies with mayo...

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    If I get a hair on my hand, while I am washing my hair, I will shake it or back up and rinse it. I will not touch it. It grosses me out! HL

  • JH
    If I get a hair on my hand, while I am washing my hair, I will shake it or back up and rinse it. I will not touch it. It grosses me out! HL

    I'm not talking to you anymore

  • liquidsky

    I think I've mentioned this one before but I read magazines from back to front. I'm also deathly afraid of craneflies(mosquito eaters). I will not go into the garage on the lawn if I know they are there. I also am more afraid of dead bugs the bugs that are alive. Hmmm what else..... Oh! I never ever drink a whole can of soda. I'll take one or two swallows, and thats it. The rest is going in the garbage. I have to make tacos in a certain order... meat, cheese, olives, tomatos, lettuce, and then guac/taco sauce. If it's in any other order then it tastes gross.

  • chrissy

    funny, i can never finish a drink as well. i also take a few sips and forget about it or lose interest. or i leave water bottles w. two sips left in the refrigerator. i ask my husband to bring me a drink and he brings my two sip container. i look at him like, you're kidding me, i dont want that!! it drives him batty.

    i also have strange eating behaviors, eating the same food everyday. if i get tired of it, i move to something else for awhile then go back to old trusty.

  • oldflame

    Okay you guys you got me rolling on the floor here, some real quirks. I guess I have a few too. I don't like spiders and if I know there is one on the floor I guarantee you will see a dance like no other. I also don't touch public bathroom door knobs with my hands I always use a paper towel. I am very organized in my home, everything has it's place and if it gets out of order I will notice it right away and fix it.

  • damselfly

    I think that I have already been outed as an oddball on this forum so here is more from me.

    I have to have a shower curtain that I can easily see thru. Because you never know, even with the apartment door and the bathroom door locked someone could get in If I am showering somewhere else and I can't see thru the curtain, my shower takes twice as long because I am peeking around the curtain to see if anyone is there. Not that I mind having company in the shower I just don't like to be surprised.

    I also always put my pants on first before anything else. That's just the way it is. Shirt first is wrong.


  • Born-Again

    wow - you guys really are normal here...

    For a minute there I was worried...LOL

    It just goes to show that there is no REAL NORMAL - it is based on our own experiences and perception. Its like most people say - "Im the most normal person I know"

    Normal is weird....

    Hey I thought I was crazy cause I was a dub for 35 years....

  • free2beme

    If someone next to me is doing the number 2, I can not stand hearing it and often trying to plug my ears until they are done. If possible, I always try to us a stall that has an empty on both sides.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Damselfly, You aren't weird at all. I sometimes have the same problem.



    For more pictures please click web link below v If you dare!!!!!!!!!!!!! HL

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