New Here!!

by carlitos 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • carlitos


    The day I am mentally unstable and have Alzheimers is the day I am going back. Right now, as long as I'm capable of thinking to myself, wipe my own a**, and able to make a personal hell if I'm going back.

    Right now, I want to live a "normal" life, raise my child as a "normal" human being and make her life and that of my wife's as pleasant as possible. It is absurd that I have to make a distinction between what is normal and what is not, but as we all know, growing up in a JW family, nothing is normal.


    Welcome. I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman


  • Andrea Wideman
    Andrea Wideman

    I do know what you mean about wanting to be able to think for yourself. It is an affliction I suffer from myself and I received many funny looks from any JW I really told my opinion to. My husband,Joel, says that it is amazing that they didn't DF me for doing it.
    Your daughter looks beautiful in her Halloween costume. This is the first year my kids are doing it, that they can remember, it has been eleven years since we did holiday stuff.
    Again welcome and hope to hear more from you.

  • jgnat

    Notre Dame cheerleader! How creative!

  • kid-A

    Right on!! And welcome to the family!!

  • Rayvin

    Welcome to the board!!!! Its fun and scary thinking for yourself , isn't it!!!

  • kwintestal

    Good to see you here! Welcome!


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Welcome Carlitos! Nice to have you here. I'm happy you decided to join us. I'm a newbie too and loving it here. It feels like home.
    As for the paragraph issue, if you're using regular spacing and not html code you have to check only the Automatic Cr/Lf box at the bottom before you post. Hope this works for you. I'm on a Mac and I'm still trying to sort everything out with the formatting because apparently this site thinks Macs are evil. :)

  • arwen

    Welcome to the board...Yes, it can be an addiction but it has helped me and countless others to get through the first step or thinking outside of the borg. I come here everyday for encouragement and friendship. There are some mighty fine people here...Stay around.

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