Jehovah's Witnesses Recruiting at colleges...

by TresHappy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    DDOHHHH! I did'nt even think of that. Brilliant!

  • chrissy

    wow. how did they score that? it seems as though they've created a home for themselves in some tiny corner of the OU campus....and OU is actually copacetic?

  • Preston

    When I was going to ASU they set up a table near the ROTC and GLBT groups... it's just their way of "going where the people are"

    - Preston

  • West70

    This LETTER TO THE EDITOR from a Jewish Ohio University student was published in the campus newspaper in 2002:


    Invasion of privacy


    A member of the Jehovah's Witness ministry came to my home Monday and unintentionally (yet greatly) offended me. This visit was inappropriate to begin with, but the things she said were even more so. She stood on my porch asked me if I read my Bible. When I told her I'm Jewish, her reply was, "That's OK." As if I needed a complete stranger to assure me that my religious affiliation is acceptable.

    I let her know I didn't think it was right for her to come to my house to have this conversation. It is different to be approached in public where one can choose to leave. But it becomes an invasion of privacy when one is forced to have these conversations in one's own home. I asked her to leave, and still, she stayed. Then, I turned my back on her and went into my house.

    Once inside, I looked out the window. I saw her looking at the house and writing on a pad of paper. I went back outside and asked what she was writing. She said, "Jewish girl, not interested." That was the most inappropriate thing of all. Why not simply put "not interested"? Why write down information that could potentially be problematic to me? Who knows into whose hands that information could fall, and what they would do with it?

    I felt threatened when I heard this. With the recent proliferation of violence-prone groups like "Sons of the Gestapo" and White Aryan Nations, I feel my fears are justified.

    It is OK to have different beliefs, or so I have been raised to think. But please, be respectful of others and their privacy.

    Name withheld upon request.

  • carla

    This is why we need to make aware of just what jw's do to families, etc.... I know a number of college age kids, they are all aware of what jw's are all about. I hope they spread the word. I will remind them.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I’m not sure what she’s complaining about. I guess she doesn’t realize that by this witness girl writing this information down that she is assured that JW’s wont come back knocking on her door for a while.

  • rebel8

    I feel sorry for those 2 guys. I would have rather had a root canal than to go to a college campus and identify myself as a JW, let alone set up a table trying to convert people my age. How embarassing.

  • blondie

    But if you are a regular/auxiliary pioneer, think of all that easy time.


  • carla

    where's their suitcoats? trying to go casual for campus?

  • DanTheMan

    Ohio University (not to be confused with the much larger Ohio State University) is legendary in these parts for being a "party" school. So I wonder if these boys go out and put a good buzz on after a long day of pioneering. lol

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