Is there anything that "only the JW's preach" you still believe in?

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I don't know what to answer to my own question...

    I guess that I still believe in a paradise earth where humans could live forever.

  • ButtLight

    Hmmm, I'll have to get back to you on that, I dont know either!

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    No, if there is anything to christianity, certainly none of their exclusive teachings make any sense to me at all.

  • prophecor

    I still think the Paradise on Earth thing is a good idea, though I never will believe it will occur according to Jehovah's Witnesses timetables. Speaking from a scriptural standpoint, at least for those who still believe in scripture, a new heavens and a new earth is what was said to be of promise. I still have a tendency to believe that Paradise is not such a distinct impossibility.

  • kwintestal

    Yes. "Religion is a snare and a racket."

    Or is that "old light"?


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Are you kidding me? I'm so screwed up now that if Jesus himself showed up and told me of the Resurrection, I'd ask for three forms of ID.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Sure, but it's not as exclusive to their doctrines as they'd like to believe. It's called manure and it's terrific for producing a lot of "trees" from which paper can be made on which they can print more manure.


  • Lilycurly

    A new Heaven and a new Earth...I read a nice book once, very interesting. All in all, it said that this New System, is simply in another place, a new place that God made for "souls" who have grown enough to gain access to it. Of course, it works only if you beleive in reincarnation...Actually, the book gave very tempting arguments in favor, using the New testament and many verses to "prove" it. According to them, Jesus was one of the few humans (I think others were Buddha and other important spiritual characters) to have been in their last stage of incarnation, helping others and ready to go to this "New Earth" when they die. Can't remember the title...damn!

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Is there anything that "only the JW's preach" you still believe in?

    yes, that the secular world will attack religion and crumble it to pieces.

    ...probably will never happen, but hey: dare to dream, dare to dream...

  • kid-A

    Ditto, Kwin !!

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