Just had my wisdom teeth yanked out.... picture goodness

by pr_capone 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    Unfortunately, my digicam doesnt take the best up-close pics so this is the best that I could do. You can see the damage that was done though.

    This is me leaving the doctors office. That is litteraly how much wadding they threw in my mouth.


    This is my woman taking care of me. She has wrapped 2 ice packs around my head. they are actually the nicest ones I have ever used... they tie into place with strings that are attached.


    Same thing.... front view


    Taking a break from the icepacks. My cheeks are SWOLLEN.


    And a fuzzy picture of where my tooth used to be. Imagine that... but x3.


    Ignore the dates on this..... I had the wrong date set on the camera though.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • pr_capone

    ACK! Picture size is HUGE!

    Can a forum assistant please help me resize these please?!?!?!?

    Kansas District Overbeer

    *Edit* Never mind... figured it out

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    pr: Do exactly what is said on your instructions. No straws, no swishing, no smoking, no carbonated drinks. My 14 yr old daughter got hers taken out in June. Looked like a chipmunk. LOL

    I thought she was going through pain pills too much. I was ready to take them away on the 3rd day. I called the Dr. Office. They told me, that the 3rd day for some is the worst. OK, I felt bad for withholding the pills. 4th day, she only need tylenol. Hope you feel better in a couple of days. HL

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    P.S. It doesn't look like you have any obvious decay. And it also looks like you have seen your Wonderful, Kind, Loving, Caring, Dental Hygienist lately. Tell her that I am proud. HL Hey, Kansas State at OU in Norman. OCT 1 . I will be there, in section 15. Row 50 something. I will be yelling. Of all of the good it will do. Stoops better be ready, we have this week off to correct things. I hope they will be corrected. Maybe they can put velcro on Bomars hands. Tell me if you are going to be there. Husband child and I will stay the night, since it is a 6pm game.

  • pr_capone

    My instructions didnt say anything about no carbonated drinks! I havent done any of the other things.

    I am guessing that it is the sucking action that is the reason they dont want you usings straws or smoking?

    Kansas District Overbeer

    p.s. I wont be making it to any games this year with the possible exception of the KState vs. Husker game in Nebraska.

    My gurlie is a HUGE Husker fan.

    We barely get along because of this. lol j/k

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Es

    Tell you what i had mine taken out and boy did i pay through the nose for them but it was well worth is they stuck ice packs on me straight away and i had no swelling at all or bruising i was the lucky one.

    Hope you feel better soon

    Eat lots of Jelly


  • under74

    ya, when I got mine out I was told it was the sucking action with straws and cigarettes...it could dislodge the blood clot that needs to be there. Did they give you any drugs?

  • pr_capone

    I'm taking perkies right now. The upside is that it does a pretty decent job of taking the pain away. The downside is that it doesnt knock me flat on my ass like I hoped it would. :p

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • under74

    The dentist told me I could take perks for the pain but when I wanted to sleep...wait 3 hours after taking the perk and then take some Tylenol PM. It seemed to work. In the least the tylenol brought down some of the swelling and I was able to fall asleep.

  • pr_capone

    I will have to give that a whirl as it hurts like hell to lay down... even on a pillow.

    I will be missing classes tommorow which I am not pleased about.

    I am also thinking that I will have to up my dosage from 2 to 3 perkies at a time to really have any overall effect.

    Its currently numbing it but I can still feel where my damn teeth used to be.

    Kansas District Overbeer

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