Do you have a personal/family emergency evacuation plan?

by Billygoat 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    After witnessing the aftermath of Katrina and what she did to the unprepared evacuees, Mozz and I decided it was time to put together our emergency evacuation plan. We started by simply going to There is a search engine on the top right side of their website and I entered "emergency disaster plan". Tons of articles with suggested ideas came up, in terms of planning for specific events, what to pack, supplies to keep on hand, etc.

    Mozz and I have a designated in-state location and a designated out-of-state location, where will we check in with family, in case we're separated and can't get in touch with each other. We've purchased 5 days worth of food, water, supplies, clothing, and pet supplies. (Red Cross recommends 3 days, but after Katrina, we want to be extra prepared.) We have them stored in plastic containers in our garage, so if necessary, we just pick up and go. We actually have them split into two containers, so if we need to be separated for any reason, we both still have supplies. Our important papers (marriage certificates, birth certificates, passports, emergency credit cards, emergency cash, spare keys) are stored in a small fire-proof safe, which is also a pick up and go item. We have a list of emergency phone numbers of family, doctors, hospitals, and friends in case we need to contact them for further assistance. I even have an additional small box of my wedding photo negatives and other important heirlooms and non-replaceables. We still have a few details to go over (routes out of town, where to go, etc.), but I'm feeling much better about being prepared before an emergency hits us personally.

    Everyone, I HIGHLY recommend everyone have a family plan on what's best to do for your area. It may not be flooding like New Orleans, or hurricanes like Houston, but something else more appropriate for your neck of the woods. No matter what area of the world, we should ALL be prepared for terrorism or bio-hazard emergencies. Everyone, please do not make the choice to be stranded. Please do not allow yourself to be caught off guard without a plan!!! In the adrenaline charged moments of a disaster, the last thing you're going to remember is "what supplies and important papers do I need to hit the road?"

    BE PREPARED! At the very least, print out the documents from the Red Cross website and peruse them with your family...even neighbors.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    RITA is now a Catagory 5

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Thanks Andi it's an important point and I'll check out the link later.

    I was listening to a radio programme last Saturday where they were discussing how unprepared we are for large scale disasters in the UK, simply because they are so rare here. Many homes don't even have the basics - a first aid kit, bottled water etc, let alone a complete plan.

    I think the media are going to try raising awareness as we're supposed to have a really bad winter this year.

  • mrsjones5

    Good post Billygoat,

    We need one too since we live in tornado alley.


  • Elsewhere

    Yes! Something I need to arrange is a place where I can "crash" for a few days should I need to evacuate for any emergency.

    I've got local places I can go (Thanks Andi ), but I also need something that is about 100 miles away.

  • Billygoat
    We need one too since we live in tornado alley.

    Mozz and I were thinking yesterday about what would hit our area. Being in Dallas, takes us out of the Hurricane zone, but tornados could be an issue here in the flat plains of North Texas. Minor flooding is an issue as well, but more apt to see tornadoes.

    I think what's scared me the most through all of the media coverage is how MANY people were unprepared. It blew me away. But then I prepared am I? I wasn't. We're still not, but at least we're better off today that earlier this week. Another thing that scares me is that with our country so completely focused on Mother Nature's disasters, how many of our nation's enemies are looking at this at this moment in time as an Achilles heel? I want to be prepared for Mother Nature, but I also want to be prepared for any type of terrorist attack or bio-terrorism disaster as well.

    I realize this may sound a little over the top, but how many people in New Orleans thought it would get as bad as it did? Very few, or there wouldn't be so many down and out evacuees. I don't want to underestimate ANY disaster!

    Andi - *thinking I might have made a good Girl Scout if my parents had let me*

  • mrsjones5

    Elsewhere, arent you in Dallas? Or am I mistaken? I only ask because my sister lives in Dallas.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Elsewhere: Why 100 miles away? HL Give me a reason, and we may talk.

  • Billygoat
    Why 100 miles away?

    Any distaster planning guideline will tell you to have out of town locations set up for evacuations such as a storm, etc. That way you know it's a safe place you can go to for safety, but not too far from home. I have a SIL that lives in Hico, so that's our "local" (100 mile) evacuation site. But we also have an "out-of-state" evacuation site with my grandparents in Missouri. Safe to have a place lined up in case you need it, like New Orleans or Houston residents need right now.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    We've been prepared for years and far as having extra food and water on hand. We're not well prepared for an evacuation, however, and I think you have a lot of good ideas. Recently we've become more aware of the danger from radiation if a bomb should be dropped. We understand that we could never withstand a direct hit, but if it hit even a few hundred miles away, the radiation would spread and it could still kill us. We are right now working on a fallout shelter in our basement. Don't like the idea of having to stay there 2 or 3 weeks, but it's better than dying from radiation. Also we're getting some radiation tablets. I hope this never happens, but at least it's a good place to store our supplies.


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