Panicattack Update on my wife and family situation(thanks for helping guys)

by PaNiCAtTaCk 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shania

    Nothing like family unity We are so happy for you. Your little one will thank you in the long run..............enjoy your new freedom. ( we went to DC and we didn't clap at all, just made remarks to each other on what was being said) I don't think we need to go anymore, I want my freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cordelia

    thats great im so happy for you that your wife has joined you,

    i have a little girl just started nursery and her dad is still in the witness and im wondering how to handle things, i just didnt do the taking the school brochure in and telling the teachers shes a witness which i always thought id do! it felt a little strange tho, even tho im dfed, it feels strange sometimes to do the opposite of the jws! but your post was so good made me think about all the positive happy things there are when you are not on the witness treadmill anymore! thanks

  • Es

    Thats fantastic news .


  • alw

    Fantastic news - enjoy your family and the rest of your life!!!! Lovely to read a positive life story of your family - ours is too. We enjoy our family unit more and more each day. Thankyou for updating your post - an encouragement to all. alw

  • angel8

    I am so happy for you and your family I just went back and looked at your original post. This forum helped me get through some real hard times and I am so glad it helped you and your family as well. The Watchtower talks about their unconditional love but never did I feel that, until I came here and truly felt the love. I was on Dateline and I feel uplifed and encouraged to hear that in a small way it might have lead someone to question the watchtower. Lots of love to you and your wife and that little boy of yours.


  • bebu

    Thanks so much for giving us that wonderful update!!!! I'm so glad to know things all worked out well for you!

    May stories like yours be multiplying everywhere here!

    (((((((Mr and Mrs. Pan)))))))))


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