do you resent your parents for bringing you into the WTS?

by kid-A 35 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • garybuss

    I'm pissed off at myself for letting my sons be exposed to the Witness people. Bad outcome. I made lots of mistakes, but that's in the top 10.

  • misspeaches

    I don't resent my mother for dragging me up in that religon. The only negative feeling I have is that she is still trapped in it and I wish I could free her.

    However the other day I was thinking about things and experienced feelings of anger towards my father who was never a JW. Surely he could see what an awful lacking childhood we were going through, why didn't he ever put his foot down? Why did he let her bring us up in that religion?

  • misspeaches

    I don't resent my mother for dragging me up in that religon. The only negative feeling I have is that she is still trapped in it and I wish I could free her.

    However the other day I was thinking about things and experienced feelings of anger towards my father who was never a JW. Surely he could see what an awful lacking childhood we were going through, why didn't he ever put his foot down? Why did he let her bring us up in that religion?

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I don't resent my father for that. He's been duped and thought he was showing us the way to Paradise.

    I was saddenned though that he'd have let any of us die rather than have a transfusion. I also was disappointed in how his position as ministerial servant and his keeping face among the dubs was more important to him than how we felt.

  • integ

    no, because I believe everything happens for a reason.


  • ithinkisee

    I know my mom believed she was doing what was best for us in some ways, but she also used being a J-Dub as a tool to spite my father.

    So yes, there is some resentment in me. I know I can probably get rid of it - but I don't care to at the moment.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They didn't managed to quite get me in.

    I resent my father's bullying and fear tactics that he has tried to use on me all of my life.

    I describe him as Jehovah's Terrorist privately. I once described him as a Watchtower Terrorist to my mother and explained the reasons why.

    They call me, I don't call them.

    When I do visit I keep it brief. I don't want to give him a chance to attack me any more. I know how to defend myself now. I fear the consequences of him losing his faith, even if it is a crock of doo doo.

  • kwintestal

    I don't resent them raising me a JW because I know they have their blinders on, however I do resent the way they have treated me since my late teens. After the way they treated me, I'm surprised that they expected me to want a normal relationship with them. I did though as I have a short memory, but they didn't hide the ugly side of themselves for long.

    Now I resent them for not respecting the religious decisions I have made with my life, at the same time expecting me to respect the decsion they have made to shun me for my religious decsions. Give me a break!


  • truthseeker

    Before finding out about the WT lies, I did resent being brought up in the "troof" by my parents.

    Now I realize they were just doing their best, they are also victims of a cult.

  • Hellrider

    Yes, I hate them for that. I hate them (especially my mother) for talking about, and/or mentioning Armageddon, the short time left, the demons etc, many, many times each and every fucking day, cause this, along with other kinds of abuse, mostly psychological, has screwed me up severely. I have been chronically depressed since my early/ mid teens, and had my first anxiety attack at 13, on new years eve, with all the rockets/fireworks (which I believe triggered some kind of Armageddon panic thing). I know that my mother was probably mentally ill (or insane, although she functioned in everyday life), but I still hate them from the bottom of my heart. They`re both dead now, for many years, and I haven`t even visited their graves.

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