What do you beleive?

by Ragnar1211 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ragnar1211

    Since it is pretty clear what all of you do not believe I am wondering what you do beleive?

    2) Why are we here, where are we going?

    3) Why do we grow old and die?

    4) Will suffering ever end?

    5) Would you go to war against fellow beleivers?

    6) What does Jesus' sacrafice mean to you?

  • mrsjones5

    Those questions sound so familiar....wait a minute...are you counting time?

  • Ragnar1211

    Nope, just interested in finding out what people that are so emphatic against Jehovah's witnesses actually beleive.

  • kwintestal
    1) Who is the creator of the universe?


    We are here for God's pleasure. Why do you have pets? Same reason.

    Original sin, Adam and Steve, then Steve got the operation, changed name to Eve. That's in one of those hidden books of the bible though.

    Yes, when I die, I will no longer suffer.

    I wouldn't ever go to war.

    Finally, a good sensible question. It's all about Jesus' sacrifice.


  • mrsjones5

    People here believe a variety of things. Some are christian, some are not. On the whole a nice bunch. I myself dont judge people simply because they have left the jw org.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Lemme cut to the chase right away, no bullshit. This represents hour and hours of research on my part, and it's what I truly believe.

    1. We evolved from apes. Evolution is a real, proven fact.

    2. The Bible is literature, full of mythology and ancient propaganda. It's no more inspired than "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss. In fact I would argue that "Green Eggs and Ham" is a more useful social commentary.

    All jokes aside, its can be tough to get out of cults like the dubs, Ragnar. Education destroy's cults. Get educated. It's the right thing to do. Then you can feel free to believe whatever magical bullshit you feel inclined to, if you're so inclined.


  • jgnat

    Here is part of what I believe: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/98570/1.ashx I was never a JW. I married one instead. Some of the things he follows are decidedlly un-Christian. Foremost is the doctrine of shunning and avoiding "bad association".

  • mrsjones5

    1) Who is the creator of the universe? The big man/woman/thing in the sky...maybe

    2) Why are we here, where are we going? I cant answer that for you

    3) Why do we grow old and die? bad genes?

    4) Will suffering ever end? yes, at death

    5) Would you go to war against fellow beleivers? believers of what?

    6) What does Jesus' sacrafice mean to you? hope and love

  • Ragnar1211

    Thanks for the responses - keep them coming please.

    By the way, I am not judging anyone, I sincerely hope people are searching for a closer relationship with God rather than trying to tear others down.

  • mrsjones5
    By the way, I am not judging anyone, I sincerely hope people are searching for a closer relationship with God rather than trying to tear others down.

    Keep on reading then. There is a big support system here.

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